Top 4 Best Free Webcomic Hosting Sites
Comic Genesis
Since I’ve had personal experience in using Comic Genesis, I’ll start with this one. Comic Genesis is one of the oldest free webcomic hosts in the Internet. It’s also home to countless crappy webcomics, but hey, you gotta start somewhere; some popular webcomics started here got their start here! To check out what you can do there, check out the sites I made for Cat Nine: Take Two and the old Cat Nine.
- The most customizable of the bunch if you know some HTML and CSS.
- Uses FTP so you can quickly up/download files
- Easily use Keentags.
- Accepts Flash and GIF animation
- You can get your own forum.
- “Newsbox” to advertise your comic through other webcomics
- You can collaborate with other artists even with different accounts. Haven’t used it myself though.
- RSS, not that detailed though.
- Can schedule comics in advance
- The only thing they want from you is the leaderboard ad at the top, and a footer note at the bottom of the page
- The least user-friendly of them all
- I’m not really sure if it still accepts new comics
- If it does, it takes a few days before it’s up
- You’ll need some HTML and CSS knowledge if you want to take use its full potential.
- Very bad support. The mods are almost never there.
- No built-in comment system
Even if it’s not that popular now and the support’s really bad, I heard that they’re supposedly turning Comic Genesis into a “YouTube” for webcomics , so who knows what will happen in the future. For now, I would suggest not using Comic Genesis if it doesn’t improve in the future.
The Duck (or Drunk Duck)
Another free webcomic host that I use, as a mirror for Cat Nine Take Two at least. Apparently the rival of Comic Genesis, but whatever.
- Simple and easy to use
- User friendly
- Site customizable to an extent
- New pages shows up in the homepage = more exposure
- You can see if people favorited or liked your comics
- Bookmark “duckmark” pages so you can continue reading where you left
- RSS and email subscriptions
- Built-in comment system
- Easily create non-comic web pages
- Forum for your comic
- Can schedule comics in advance
- Limited web design capabilities, all you can really do is change the buttons and colors in your comic.
- No control over files except comic pages
- There’s like, 3 advertisements on your comic page
- Most of the time, using HTML in your rants/news post won’t work
- HTML really sucks when creating a webpage
- You’ll never be able to use CSS in here either
- Can’t access the site sometimes.
- No Flash and GIF animations, I tried.
If you don’t care about customizing your website and have no idea about HTML or CSS, then The Duck is perfect for you.
Smack Jeeves
(Closed down in December 31, 2020)
I don’t have any experience with using this, but from what I can see, it’s almost as customizable as Comic Genesis, with the user friendliness of Drunk Duck. They also offer a premium hosting service (for a fee of course) which adds more features. It’s a lot cheaper than actually getting web hosting, though it still has some limitations. I can see higher quality comics can be found here.
- More customizable than The Duck
- User friendly interface
- Bulk Uploads (have to be donator at least)
- Built in comment system
- Rating system
- Newly updated comics show up at the home page
- Forums
- Create web pages
- Your own domain name, but you have to buy it first
- Automatic archive page
- Share buttons
- Analytics
- Still not as customizable as Comic Genesis if you’re not you’re a premium subscriber (I think)
- Can’t upload Flash if not a donator or a subscriber
- File size limit, though anything more than 300KB is bad
- File size limit raised to 2MB and 5MB for donator and subscriber.
I’m gonna say Smack Jeeves seems like a great choice even if I don’t have any experience with using it. It doesn’t give that “crappy webcomics” vibe here unlike Comic Genesis and The Duck, although I suspect it’s because most of them will end up on those two (no offense). That, or the higher quality comics get to the front page more, so it’s definitely an incentive to increase quality.
Comic Fury
Another site I have no experience with using so I’m going to infer a lot from some of the webcomics found at the front page and from their website’s about page.
- Allows you to choose from 3 subdomains for your comic. No more “What a waaste!” or “Oh noes someone beat me to it!” if someone already has a comic with a similar name with your own. I think so anyway.
- Allows you to easily create extra pages, with HTML if needed.
- Ad-free
- You can use your own domain name if you own one
- Search and transcription system that allows people to search your comics
- Author notes and blog
- Comment system
- Rating system
- You can change your comic’s URL and name any time
- HTML pages are customizable with templates or design your own
- Collaborating with co-authors is a breeze, you can assign permissions to restrict what they can do
- Analytics
- Heck, you can even change the system’s time-zone
- You can customize what’s displayed on the front page
- Automatically generate HTML codes and stuff to allow easier copy-pasting of your comics on forums
- Free traffic from the from the front page
- Allows your readers to subscribe through RSS or by registering as a member
- Flash support, and probably GIFs
- Bookmarking
- No forums of your own
Looks like Comic Fury is the winner if you’re looking for an excellent free webcomic host! I hate to say it, and even though I’ve moved from Comic Genesis by now, I simply can’t find any cons(minus the forums) with Comic Fury as of now. If you find other great sites, just let me know! And if you found this post useful, I’d appreciate it a lot if you link to my catgirl webcomic!
Two things to add to, there’s Tapastic and Line Webtoons. Though you cant exactly customize things to well, these are excellent platforms for hosting comics.
What about Becomics.com?
@Justin that’s offence
@Bunny Girl this website IS made with wordpress.
@Bunny Girl Not sure if you are still looking for an answer – I’ve tried using the free WordPress.com site in the past – personally it did not work for me. It’s a great site but definitely geared more towards blogs and wordy sites. There are of course themes you can apply which work for a webcomic, but if you are looking to customize it a lot you will not have a great fun time, especially if you are just starting out. Ultimately, you probably could just it out and see how you feel personally, it’s not gonna bite!
Hope this answered your question to some degree.
@Bunny Girl Well, this site is a WordPress site, so yeah, of course you can. Will probably make a guide on how to set it up in the future.
Does anyone have any experience using wordpress for comics? I’m familiar with it for blogging, and was wondering if I could use it to make a comic?
@mdnunez http://www.newmangas.webs.com is THEEEE best webcomic hosting site out there period. It’s usage is perfect.
You should check out Tapastic.
It's been getting some talk.
just a question.
do you have your own website through like go daddy or some other monthly based service? if so how easy was it for you to set everything up? and do you think you coudl email me your answer? i need to rehost my comic but im having trouble picking a site too and i think id rather just have my own. [email protected]
I've already sent the email, I hope it helps!
I've been using ComicFury to host my webcomic for a bit under a year now. It is really a superb service, and I can only recommend it. The forums are run by feminists though, so I would stay clear off those.
@Justin Thanks for the input, as much as I like Comic Genesis, Comic Fury is looking to be the best right now. Yeahhh I don't think webcomic forums is the place to spout man-hating nonsense, haha.