New here? Welcome to Cat Nine!

You can start reading from the comic’s first page, or optionally, the older version Cat Nine Classic. Feel free to read the rest of this page, view the art gallery, or even chat with fellow readers! If you have any questions, please check if they’ve been answered on the FAQ page.

About Cat Nine

Cat Nine logo

Cat Nine is a manga-styled webcomic about Keith and his cat Myan bestowed with a magical collar, giving her the power to transform into a catgirl or any other animal. This is the second version of Cat Nine so it used to be called Cat Nine: Take Two!

I also create Cat Nine-related artwork (called bonus art), fan art of other series, and commissions.

Setting: Philippines, modern.

Genre: Comedy, Philippine mythology, Fantasy, and Slice-of-life.

About the artist

Lazylonewolf, AKA radstylix and thelazylonewolf. The guy who made this comic. Self-taught artist, writer, and web designer.

Just a simple and introverted guy that likes anime, manga, video games, music, and animals.

If you’re curious about the apps and tools I use, it’s in the FAQ.

Navigate the comic

arrow keys

  • Use the navigation menu to move between comic pages. “Random” goes to a random page.
  • You can also use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to flip between comic pages, or click on the comic to go to the next one! If you’re on the homepage, be careful if you’re viewing artwork in fullscreen/lightbox mode, the arrow keys might move you to the next/previous comic page instead.
  • Use the dropdown menu to traverse between “episodes”. This always takes you to that episode’s first page.

Comment and chat, and the rules

Comment on the current comic or artwork using the comments system, or chat using Discord with other fans and even the creator (Lazylonewolf) himself! We’re all pretty friendly here so don’t be shy! There are some rules, however, and breaking any of them can get you banned, but you’ll usually get a warning first before that happens:

  • Please keep your comments relevant to the post or channel. Off-topic comments may be removed.
  • Don’t post explicit images, videos, or audio. We have the #nsfw channel for that! Tasteful nudes are ok (until I get into trouble with that at least)!
    • If we suspect you’re a minor (below 18), we might disallow you from #nsfw. Please message the mods if you think this is a mistake.
  • Don’t spam except in #spam. #spam is currently hidden, but you can assign yourself or ask a mod to give you a role to access that channel.
  • Don’t be a jerk. Swearing is perfectly fine here, but it’s not if you’re being toxic to someone.
  • Don’t self-promote as your first post/chat, nor self-promote too much. Most people should keep it to once a day at most.
  • Don’t link to suspicious websites.
  • Don’t claim to be a mod if you’re not one.

*If you’re reading from the homepage or blog archive, you need to click the Comments button or the comic’s title to leave a comment.

Comment Moderators

  • Lazylonewolf

Discord Moderators

  • Lazylonewolf
  • BlueMario/Davrial
  • IndiSkye

Search for a specific comic or post

  • The Archives page lists all comics pages by episode then publication date.
  • The Characters page shows a major character’s every appearance in the comic. You can also click on a character’s name in the rants section found below every comic page.
  • The blog archive lists all blog posts by year.
  • The search bar can search for anything: blog posts, rants, and transcripts.

Receive updates

I kinda update sporadically, so I suggest subscribing or following me using one of these:

  • Subscription Prompt: You should see this as soon as you enter the site for the first time. You can bring this up again if you clear your browser’s cache.
  • Comic readers: Comic Rocket and Piperka track your last read page and notifies you whenever the comic updates, but they only notify you about new comic pages, not blog/art posts.
  • Social Media: I post my comics and artwork too on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, I only post comic previews of my horizontal strips on Instagram because it requires specific sizes and orientations.
  • Artist communities: I post also in deviantArt and pixiv. Take note of pixiv since it’s where I post my NSFW artwork outside of Patreon and Discord.
  • RSS through Feedburner. You can also subscribe to this using your email.

About transcripts

Have trouble reading the dialogue? Click on the transcript button in the rants section to see the transcript for the current comic. Google Translate works with this but it’s not perfect. I can add a permanent Google Translate widget to the site if enough people ask!

Submit fan art and comics

If you like the comic enough to make fan art or comics, great! All submissions are posted on the Cat Nine fan art gallery, and everyone’s welcome to submit almost anything! Just send me your fan art and link through any medium of your choice.

Guest artists can also submit their artwork for art exchanges; their artwork will also end up in the gallery.

Support Cat Nine

For free!

  • Follow me on social media.
  • Share stuff I’ve made on your social media.
  • Link to Cat Nine. You can use the banners on this page or create your own using my artwork. Link and art exchanges are also welcome!
  • Tropers can help by updating Cat Nine’s TvTropes page.

With money!

If you’re considering financially supporting Cat Nine, thank you!

  • Become a Patron – A monthly subscription through Patreon. Patrons are added to the Supporters page and receive some sweet Rewards like HD and WIP versions of artwork and comics, bonus art and fan art suggestions, and complete RARchives of everything.
  • Donate via ko-fi – Donate any amount you wish through ko-fi. Donators are added to the Supporters page, or they can stay anonymous if they choose to do so.
  • Commission me! You can commission me directly or through Patreon.
  • Advertise through Comicad – You can advertise on Cat Nine using any (or all!) of the Comicad ad units available.
  • Browse the site without ad-block – Thanks to Comicad advertisements the website makes some money just from your browsing.  Adblockers usually don’t block them, but if it does or if you manually block them, I’ll appreciate it if you turn off your adblocker or add Cat Nine to your whitelist. If the ads annoy you, becoming a patron turns off some or all of these ads.