The Brushing Boogie
on April 21, 20239 out of 10 dentists agree, she got the moves
Bonus artwork related to Cat Nine
9 out of 10 dentists agree, she got the moves
Anyone in the mood for some Japanese? Might go well with some tea too.
I’ll admit, I’m not that good with holding chopsticks yet… but if anyone mentions “sus”, I’ll happily and clumsily stab you in the eyes with chopsticks. 😉
Marble pattern by Vectonauta on Freepik
For Halloween, albeit late. Multo means ghost btw.
Moar practice drawing boobs, but they’re drawn bigger. Totally not an excuse to draw them bigger, how dare you, I am a professional!
Rallidae in a lovely shrine maiden/miko outfit as suggested by Indi Skye
And topless version for patrons 👀
Expecting something else? 😏
Also she can hear everything and can’t move at all. Cuteness, but at what cost?
Pfft, you’re just a 9/10 cutie, maybe 9.5 at most.
Have wanted to get my feet wet with animation for a while now (and to not waste my upgraded Clip Studio), so I thought that making some animated Discord stickers for the server is a good place to start. I’ve animated a few stuff before, but never as complicated as these. Here’s to more animations (and stickers) in the future!
Myan’s natural and supple cat(girl) butt, or Tammy’s trained and sculpted butt? Place your butts bets!
Inspired by Sunblaze’s idea, with some tips for depicting squishiness from 🏅Hothead