The full non-animated image (which is also HD and includes the WIP as usual) is for patrons, but here’s the GIF version. Screenshot and tell everyone which Rallidae you got!
Just something fun to do before I finish the Harpy Rallidae NSFW, and because she doesn’t have that many artwork of her.
8 out of 9 Ralliadaes in the remix… sorry, I was getting tired of drawing this so only 8. 😔
EDIT: Gonna consider this two artworks-worth. I’ve underestimated the work involved again 😅
For the next fantasy/monstergirl-themed artwork, a barred rail harpy Rallidae!
Before I worked on this, I didn’t know that one of the Filipino folk dances, the Tinikling, was inspired by the tikling, the local name for one of the many rail species, with one of them the aforementioned barred rail. Quite the neat coincidence!
And might as well confess if I didn’t before, I randomly picked the name Rallidae for her cause it sounded cool.
Got uh, “distracted” by my uncle passing away, sorry. There was a heavy rainy typhoon during that too, but thankfully it calmed down just in time for the actual burial.
Page 15 remake – as requested by BlueDavrial. Interesting way to request something nude lol. I’ve always thought about remaking the early pages but never did because of the work involved, so this was a cool request.
Civet coffee – as suggested by SeadogDriftwood. I am an avid coffee drinker, but excuse me if I don’t want to try civet coffee no matter how good it apparently tastes. And coincidentally, I find it funny that the two other artwork is about sleeping while this one is about caffeine.
Sleepy Wolf Tammy – as requested by Tythen. Sleepo doggo.
Just practicing before I get back to work for real. Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
EDIT: Forgot to mention I was sick for two weeks.
Let me know if you want the WIP, it’s a bit of a chore to upload all of them here.
Gyaru Tammy – Recommended by IndiSkye. I went for a hime gyaru this time compared to last time.
beeg Myan – suggested by blehmaster9000. Might not exactly what he asked for, but I don’t see any complaints. 😏
Pomni Hibi – Dune Runner wanted a “fun” Hibi. I dunno why Pomni came to mind.
Pants Hottie – I usually just call her Hothead, or rather, the layers she is in, whenever I draw her in the comic for obvious reasons. Was thinking of drawing this when Rob Lucci (from One Piece) appeared again because of the anime a while ago.
Anyhoo, I plan to stick to a long-term theme interspersed with other artwork/comics. Sounds like a good idea to me if I can’t think of anything to draw at the moment… also cause I can make some NSFW art from them 😈.
Current theme is the Cat Nine cast as fantasy classes or monstergirls, with the NSFW artwork as Victory/Defeat scenes. I don’t think you have to guess what happens in those.
This one and the nsfw artworks for Nekomancer Myan have been done for a while, but I wasn’t sure if I should post them individually as usual, or as a group/gallery, or just one big preview image. More posts in social media is almost always good from what I know, but since I’ve moved the bonus artwork to being exclusive and I can only post the preview images, I’m sure it wasn’t gonna appeal to most people. To be honest, as an artist I hate posting just the previews (except the NSFW for obvious reasons) and would prefer to post the full thing like I used to do, but alas I gotta treat my art a bit more like a business and hide them behind a paywall. I think I’ll just do the usual then and post them when they’re done even if they’re just previews.
Finally, I want to thank all my patrons for the support so far, even the ones who’ve pledged more “just” for the nsfw. You may be Lewd Dudes but I appreciate it a lot!