She’s a champion, and you’re gonna hear her roar 😉
Alt colors available (e.g. all black outfit) in the HD+WIP Patreon post. Maybe a tailed version too if my patrons really want it. Tailed version available!
Feet practice: Maybe foot fetishists will get something out of this?
Cycling Bib Tammy: Because my latest hobby is cycling 🚴♂️
Ragnarok Online Huntress: Skye, one of the characters I used in RO.
Hibi Bath Water: Curiosity.
Tammy’s Mask: It’s not 🙁
WataMyan: 🍉😸
Raccoon Myan: 🦝
Oh man, I guess I didn’t post these here yet.
Aaand it’s about time I go back to doing these. Gonna try to average each DD to about 10-15 mins from now on. I just want something easy to draw as a warm-up.
Just trying to draw daily to start a drawing habit which I’ve never really had. I’ll force myself to draw em if I have to, even if I have to draw them faster (which lowers the quality), or draw something easier! I post them daily on Discord and Twitter, then I compile and post them like this every 7/8 drawings. Excuse me if I don’t want to name these every time I draw them, so I’ll just point out the noteworthy ones.
femCruz drawing is a birthday gift for BlueDavrial. Happy Birthday again!