For Hothead
on March 31, 2018Not Cat Nine related, but whatever, cute neko!
This one’s for Hothead
Bonus artwork related to Cat Nine
Not Cat Nine related, but whatever, cute neko!
This one’s for Hothead
Just a relatively quick concept sketch of Myan’s new outfit and hairstyle.
Hopefully, something doesn’t start barking.
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First time drawing a proper-ish (destroyed) cityscape, WHEW. Loooking goood eh?
Sorry for the silence guys, I’m back again! Was busy with other stuff, and then got sick, although that was self-inflicted cause it was from coffee withdrawal. I like coffee (2 shots of espresso a day!), but I really don’t like the idea of constantly drinking it just to stave away the withdrawal symptoms, so I quit cold-turkey.
Heh, big mistake, in hindsight I should’ve just weaned my consumption. Headaches and nausea happened for a little more than a week, and I think I had a panic attack one night, jeez.
Anyhoo, here’s a detailed Monthly Myan (and Friends, cause I want to draw other characters too) of Hibi as Cupid (with a bit of Birth of Venus, cause she was Cupid’s mother) to make up for my absence.
Oh yeahhh, coloring the flats was definitely faster ever since I organized my color palette in Clip Studio.
And it’s not too obvious, but I found another way to cel-shade. Not sure if it’s faster (I think it’s slower and messier), but it does make shading/highlighting over patterns a lot easier. Plus I can also use the technique with pencil-shading as well!
Tiger thanks for December my dudes! My other idea for Myan’s bikini was tiger stripes, as well as her transforming into a tigergirl, but eh, I’ve kinda done it already. Also hey, 8 years of improvement eh? Most of that time was spent being pathetic though haha…hah.
Sorry this was late guys, here’s a detailed sketched of Myan as a shortstack to make up for it! Apparently she’s not that stacked but, whatever! well, I made a more stacked version.
Or should I say Myanachi? Highly recommend watching or reading Made in Abyss!
Why Nanachi though? Because some Cat Nine fans are furries, and Nnnaaaa….