*cue music*

If you didn’t notice, there’s an ongoing poll about (re)drawing Myan’s old outfit until June 28. Vote if you want!

This page’s RAWR Patrons. Okay I’m running out of things to say here, except thank you guys so much!

  • Fishmeistercod
  • Yugo Ryan
  • ZetashockCat
  • MCWildcat
  • Kaisoni
  • Red Marine
  • Knut Breitschuh
  • Hothead
  • Aliumas147

Keith: I-I'm not sure I want to "get to know each other" Myan...
Myan: I told him not to hurt you!
Keith: Yes. I heard.

Keith: Well, this is kinda awesome.

Keith: But... it's time to go.

Keith: ow. hey. But we really have to go!
Rory: nom nom

Keith (echo): ow. hey.

Keith (echo): OW. HEY.