If you didn’t notice, there’s an ongoing poll about (re)drawing Myan’s old outfit until June 28. Vote if you want!
This page’s RAWR Patrons. Okay I’m running out of things to say here, except thank you guys so much!
Keith: I-I'm not sure I want to "get to know each other" Myan...
Myan: I told him not to hurt you!
Keith: Yes. I heard.
Keith: Well, this is kinda awesome.
Keith: But... it's time to go.
Keith: ow. hey. But we really have to go!
Rory: nom nom
Keith (echo): ow. hey.
Keith (echo): OW. HEY.
Lol R.I.P Dad’s hand I guess.
Just realised- Rory in panel 5 looks like Simba from the lion king bloopers
Long live… the king?
I see myself in that lion xD When i’m with my boyfriend, i usually bite his hand xD If i do so, he says ‘nooo i’m not the food’ ‘nomnomnom’
I think i’m descended from cats
Ok…? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This is the thing about lions (really big cats in general)
When they bite only a little bit, its actually a way to show you can trust them, because they can easily bite your hand off, but they don’t
the problem here is that human skin is thinner and more sensitive then lion skin, so even a bite with little force can be painful, especially if it’s on the hand (lions usually show trust by biting the neck)
Nomies for buddies huh? Just depicted Rory doing it cause some of my cats do it.
House cats have a lot of the same instincts and behaviors as big cats, however house cats are not pack animals, so their reasons for doing it may not necessarily be to establish trust
Like meowing. Big cats don’t meow or mewl, as it’s a “vocabulary” used solely for communicating with human owners by pet cats. Same reason most breeds of dogs doesn’t howl, as it servers no purpose in communicating with human owners. Except for dogs like huskies, cuz they are awsum and have so much personality ^_^
It’s all like how we humans have to learn different languages and social behaviour to communicate with other countries that suck at English.
True, cats really only meow cause of humans since like most animals, they mainly use body language. They also say that big cats that roar can’t meow. Sadly, lions can’t meow and purr haha.
just came back to post this, only just realized… the lion just bit Myan’s dad… oh dear gets into fallout bunker $#!+ is about to hit the fan
hmm… yandere Myan… could be adorably scary
I kinda referenced that already. http://cat-nine.net/comic/episode-4/126-myandere/
haha, true enough lol, but that was like… step one, aka ‘he is my sempai’ this would be like step 8 ‘you hurt my sempai’… play daemon awakening music
Yeahh don’t think there’s are any steps to being a crazy love obsessed chick, or maybe that’s just me.
Guessing he is lioning about not hurting him
♪ Why you always lionin (why) ♫
Monsieur Lion *May have slight separation anxiety haha X-P this is what my new puppy does when i try to leave the couch haha
Yeahhhh that’s gonna stop being cute after it grows up. Hope you’re training your pup properly!
yeah, mom runs them in agility but he is too young to join the big dogs yet, so for now he is a goofy nutcase with too much energy haha
Too much energy biting I suppose.