135 – Is that a knife in your pocket?
Changing my Wacom pen nib made drawing this a lot faster and I think, improved the quality. Can you tell?
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Tammy: Whatcha gonna do if you don't like her boyfriend?
Keith: I whip it out!
Tammy: Whip what out?
Keith: My knife of course.
Keith: Oh right, I bought a comb...
Keith: I could give him a really bad hairdo, haha-
Tammy: ...
Keith: -ha...?
Tammy: ...
guess she is just sowing her wild oats?
googles it huh, never heard of that phrase before. Anyway, that’s probably one of Keith’s biggest worries regarding Myan.
haha, yeah, i tend to use really old or odd terms, and funny enough i always think they are common place
I suppose I didn’t encounter that term during my long years of reading and watching western media.
also omg… would she end up having a whole litter of kittens?
It’s possible cause she is a girl after all, but I don’t think it’s right for a comic like Cat Nine…
No, a lion and a housecat can’t reproduce together. Even neglecting the size difference (when the cat isn’t magically transformed into a humanoid the same approximate size as a lion of course), they’re not only not the same species, but not the same genus either. That’s the reason they call it the cat FAMILY. Remember it goes Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species. A lion and a housecat aren’t actually very close relatives. Probably their most recent common ancestors are 10 million years ago, same as humans and monkeys. So as even lions and tigers though they can reproduce to produce ligers, the ligers suffer from a number of health problems and are usually sterile, so I think lions and a domesticated housecat are going to be far too distant.
Oh baby, here we go!
Yeah, that lion doesn’t know who he’s messing with.
Oh my…somebody is gonna get laid tonight~
On the ground. With claws in their body
Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25QyCxVkXwQ
What I want to know is… Who will end up with the claw marks? I can see this going either way and it’s not clear which one is most likely.
Ruh-roh, Raggy!