118 – Turning the Tables
I’m back from an unannounced hiatus, sorry about that! Was busy with other stuff as usual.
Anyway, Halloween is almost here. I’m gonna make a blog post so you can vote on what costumes they’re gonna wear for the banner + wallpaper! If you still want to make suggestions, now’s your last chance to do it. Voting will start on October 25, and end on the 28th!
Rallidae: Now, about my brother...
Rallidae: How did you even know he was my brother? Maybe...you're the ones who are following us, you weirdos!
Rallidae: N-now over here is the Palawan Bearcat...
Lazylonewolf True, and generally until you get down to family or genus we don’t talk about things being closely related. The difference here is the lack of closely (technically everything on Earth is related, but how closely is what matters.) I’m guessing that you and MauveCloud are just looking at this from different perspectives.
Yees, make her sweat! (Not too much though.)
Robert80 Lazylonewolf @MauveCloud Comparing them according to their Order is a too broad though…
Lazylonewolf ScottTellep
Try this instead
Lazylonewolf ScottTellep The butt does. The fluids they tend to emit smell… nasty, apparently. The description is ‘Acrid, and so chemically foul it almost physically burns you.’
Panel 2: Uh, dang. Harsh crowd tonight! But, have you heard the one about the waffle iron and the terrified accountant?
ScottTellep Can’t see the image, heh. Anyway, do they really smell like popcorn? I wouldn’t mind that.at.all.
man in black No sell, again.
@MauveCloud They’re more related to *looks it up just to make sure* civets, apparently.
“Not actually related to bears or cats”? I have to somewhat disagree. At least according to Wikipedia, it’s in the order Carnivora, which bears and cats are also in, though in a different taxonomic family.
There not buying it. WB
I went to a tiger preserve and got to pet and feed this little guy XD