117 – Just Asking Questions
Sorry for the delay again as have been busy with other stuff as usual. Still, I’m working on some comic-related stuff too, like the new interactive side-comic Magicat Girl, and I’m planning and making some wallpapers for Patreon. The wallpapers could be panels from the comic pages, or original artwork. If you have a specific comic you want to make into a wallpaper, or have an idea for an original wallpaper, just leave a comment or send an email!
Guhh, I think I need more practice drawing glasses. To me, Rallidae’s glasses look more like a thicker version of those paper 3d glasses. Oh well! It would probably help if I get some glasses of my own as reference, and I do need them for seeing anyway (nearsightedness).
Rallidae: Do you have any questions before we proceed with the tour?
Myan: Where's your brother?
Keith: What really happened the last time we met?
Cruz: How did you get those smokebombs?
Tammy: Do you actually work here?
Rallidae: Hah! Are you sure you're not the journalists here? Well, let's talk about it while walking shall we?
Lazylonewolf ObsidianSpikes Cake yes, party … no sadly.
CuteManabi Lazylonewolf man in black Is that like, gonzo journalism, or just plain old journalism?
Tomethius KomicsMaker Lazylonewolf Mentioned it in past comics so it’s more likely to be noticed by others.
ObsidianSpikes Congrats! Hope you had some tasty cake, or at least a party!
KomicsMaker Tomethius Lazylonewolf Thanks for showing me where it was
Lazylonewolf man in black I could see her becoming one just to get in on the inside of some conspiracy, then quit and report it.
Came to check back after a month to see new pages and here there was a page on my b-day. Such a nice gift. ^_^
Tomethius KomicsMaker Lazylonewolf Look at the menubar all the way to the right. The last icon. The orange one.
KomicsMaker Lazylonewolf Wait, subscribed? Where is this magic thing?
Lazylonewolf Tomethius KomicsMaker All in a day’s work.
Lazylonewolf KomicsMaker No problem.
Tomethius Yes, thank goodness for KomicsMaker!
man in black She’d rather report about them though.
KomicsMaker Thanks for reading and subscribing!
Tomethius Glad I could help, friend.
I can’t believe I forgot about Cat Nine Take Two! Thank the random numbers that my account decided to tell me people commented on something I commented on like six months ago
And now I am current and subscribed.
She would make great politician the way she dodged those questions