116 – Zoo Guidance is suggested
I think my top view and long shot drawings are getting better. I sure hope so anyway.
Also, I’m making some more improvements around the site, like with more blogs/comics/art, and comment badges. Right now, I’m trying to come up with wallpapers and different themes for users in the comment section.
Rallidae: ehem!
Rallidae: Welcome to The Zoo everyone! I'm Rallidae, and I'll be your guide for today!
Tammy: Ooohhh!
Cruz: Wow... It wasn't this nice before!
Rallidae: Yes, the zoo has been making efforts to improve the quality for both visitors and the animals.
BlueMario Dem curls
Connorses Heh, I thought it’s pronounced rally-day” but apparently it’s pronounced “rally-dee”.
…I like that name. Rallidae. Yeah.
Rallidae? Well, she is kinda coot. (Sorry XD )
I like her hair. Which girl am I referring to when I say “her”? All of them. They all have great hair.
(Mostly talking about Rallidae though.)
Marscaleb Yeah that too!
…Including animal visitors!
Lazylonewolf man in black Yes, I am catching up on what I missed
man in black Thanks. Also, is that you in Tapastic?
Great page