112 – This comic is badass, and you should feel badass
Myan, come onnnn.
Myan: I don't want to be badass. I'm a good girl!
Cruz: Noooo Myan, a badass is a good thing!
Myan: But...bad is bad! And my ass is good, and Dad's ass is good.
Cruz: H-help me out here pal.
Keith: Badass means awesome, Myan.
Myan: Ok!
Cruz: what
Myan’s smartass tho~
Or both!
I don’t know what happened but….. That first panal of myan, that pose… Oh gods… I LOVE IT, she looks amazing and, i cant find the right words…. Its just you know. She looks awsome like that.
She looks like she should be in a post-apocalyptic biker gang. Maybe she’d be “the heart”, looking after everyone despite being troubled herself. <3
Oh my..
man in black Cause he’s “dadass”
Saskyou Have YOU looked at your dad’s ass before?
KitsuneFire Heh thanks. For me, it’s probably the jacket, and the wild hair.
Heh, her dad’s ass
Malcanthet Does this count?
@Remara But I want some Beefcake in this comic 😛
KitsuneFire Lazylonewolf Well, here you go. You can find the resolution if you google your phone’s specs.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire I… actualy don’t know how to find out. X_X What i can find is that it is 320 x 480. I think thats it.
KitsuneFire Lazylonewolf What’s your phone’s screen size/resolution?
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire you know, now that I think about it, I want that picture as a wallpaper background for my phone. Then I can always see that awsomely beutiful myan XD
Im a potato *Googles Kirito* Probably the black hair. Someone also said he looks like LeLouch.
Keith reminds me of kirito
@Remara I just ate a slice from Cheesecake Factory…. DUN DUN DUN
I honestly really just like the food cheesecake, I have an unhealthy obsession
BlueMario Lazylonewolf I know, but I can’t tell with this guy…
Lazylonewolf Wolf, “cheesecake” means large amounts of cleavage
@Remara I guess you really like cheesecake eh?
(I won’t do this again sorry for the multiple comments) Glory to cheesecake
Cheesecake for all, glory to be to the king of cheesecake
Do as the king demands slave of the Internet
I demand cheesecake in the next panel this is my decree peasant
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire I think your right, it’s probably the jacket and wild hair, but its also her expression and pose, i just love her all the more XD
Well he is her dad
thefred Thanks! Well, I made her lion ears like that cause I like it, and it looks different from her normal cat ears.
Your artistic skills are becoming badass. Especially that first frame.