110 – Class Assignment
I am liking the simpler, hand-drawn backgrounds that I’ve been doing recently.
Keith: Why are we here again?
Tammy: Photography assignment. Each of us were supposed to decide on a subject.
Tammy: I chose "instinct", but I don't have time to actually hunt for wild animals.
Tammy: So yeah, this is totally not an excuse to go sightseeing.
Keith: If you say so.
DerpstealthPhil Well, I can’t exactly fit every instance of small talk… though yeah, I suppose Cruz needs more talk/screen time that’s not goofing off.
oStaiko Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Heh fun fact, we don’t use letters for grades here.
Lazylonewolf KitsuneFire Just really brave photographer, definitely worthy of an A
Keith: Hey Cruz, wanna talk about sports or something?
Cruz: *Stays silent*
Keith: It’s been days since the call, dude, I don’t care anymore, just talk!
Cruz: *Stays silent*
Keith: Fine, act that way!
Cruz’s Mind: Was someone speaking? Nah, probably not. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Remember to not develop character, as comic relief is there for gags; spoofs; or fan comics… WAIT A MIN-
@Darwinskeeper Digital of course, although I remember that the Photography course in my old college also teaches you how to use film cameras.
@Darwinskeeper KitsuneFire Yeah, and some people might notice the collar, and why a wild animal (let’s say a tiger), isn’t in a cage.
So does Tammy using a digital camera for the photo shoot or do young people use their smart phones for this sort of thing?
In case you’re wondering I’m old enough to have once owned a 35mm single lens reflex camera — that’s one that used film and required me to play with the lens to make it focus.
KitsuneFire I’d be thinking a photo shoot with Myan might be dangerous. There’s always the risk that she could do something that would give herself away.
KitsuneFire It would be kinda suspicious… also I’ve already thought about that photo shoot. Might make it a vote comic or something.
LifeWulf First one of course.
Welll, did they forget they have a magical shape-shifting cat that can become pretty much any animal? Well, besides taking Myan to the Zoo, which is awesome, they could have Myan do a photo shoot, which would be awesome XD
Of course it isn’t
I’m confused, is she swinging her arm out dramatically or swinging it out then quickly pulling it back in the second panel?