108 – Invite
Guhhhh, Keith’s pose in panel 1 took forever to draw for some reason, guess I should’ve practiced drawing more people sitting during the hiatus. At least I’ve got it mostly right, and I think I’ve vastly improved drawing backgrounds. Keith could use more “man-spreading” in his pose though, hahaha.
For those who use Flash to draw, I use the Line tool for drawing straight/man-made objects and backgrounds, but I’ve felt for a long time now that they’re, well, too perfect (and boring), especially for Cat Nine’s style. Now, I think I’ll just use them as a guide so I can draw them by hand. Who knew that (PROTIP->) a little bit of imperfection can add more personality!
Keith: That reminds me, Tammy invited us to go to the Zoo tomorrow. You coming?
Myan: Wow, I haven't been there in forever!
Keith: Wait, you've went there before?
Myan: Lots of times!
Keith: Ohhhh! So that's why you're aware of other animals.
Myan: Yup!
Other animals besides, like, dogs and birds and pigeons.
David Nuttall “NOTICE ME, ANIMALS”
Connorses Obviously. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Explanation strips are the best. >^.^<
Hmmm. Now I wanna see her take on a canid (maybe a fox?) form without realizing what it is lol. Just gotta make sure Keith is around for the bad jokes. ^_^
thefred Thanks for the input, sorry if you didn’t like it.
See, I figured that Myan has a life of her own before Keith, and one of the places she has traveled to includes the zoo, and I found this a good opportunity to show where she could’ve learned about all these other animals, as well as do a story about it (and a good excuse to practice drawing more animals).
Plus, I’m trying to stay consistent with what Hibi said in page 30 http://cat-nine.net/comic/episode-1/30-precautions/).
Oh, so now we need an actual explanation for her knowledge of what a tiger or a lion is? Nah, I don’t like it. As if it wasn’t already inexplicable that she knows the words themselves. If she knows English, then that means she knows what the words mean even if she’s never seen them, so for instance what an anteater is, even if there isn’t one in the zoo. If the collar programmed her brain with decent language information information, why can’t that also be where she got the knowledge of what a tiger actually is? I call midichlorians! As in, the force didn’t need a tangible explanations either.
“That is why you are aware of other animals.”
And why they are aware of you. That is not actually a good thing.