144 – Tith buth ath scrath
Now, how many of you actually tried to say what Myan said? And how many of you actually want to be licked ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)?
In other news:
- Again, last chance to be added as a Pioneer in the Patrons page after July ends! And thanks to all the patrons so far, seriously!
- RAWR patrons & above, I’ll make the RARchive for Ep.4 after it ends.
- Still accepting female background character suggestions for Episode 5. There’s still… five more slots left! It’s just a little thing to help me come up with background characters, and let you guys have me draw a character you want!
This page’s RAWR and nomAd Patrons
- Kaisoni
- Yugo Ryan
- Knut Breitschuh
- Scarekitty
- BlueDavrial
- Fishmeistercod
- ZetashockCat
- MCWildcat
- Red Marine
- Hothead
- Aliumas147
Cruz: So...we're banned.
Tammy: We're banned.
Keith: So banned.
Myan: ...
Keith: I said I'm fine!
Myan: Buth thith willth makeh ith feelth betther! (But this will make it feel better!)
I did try to say it, and I would totally be licked! lol
Good job Sylvester
Really? The heck happened?
Apparently a lot of people got mad at me for whatever reason and the Tap Staff agreed with them.
(Why isn’t this .gif showing up either?)
Ok, I feel it might be from posting too many images like this… Uh, keep it to one image per comment please. I’ll allow this once.
Also, images like those are basically my signature: i use them just like most other people use emotes/smileys, and while i understand they would cause problems on sites like this one (where they are displayed in their entirety) i don’t believe the same applies for Tapas or any other site i’ve ever posted on before (where they aren’t), unless they feature explicitely offensive and/or inappropriate content.
And i thought the same applied for comments in general too, and i’m pretty sure i NEVER posted anything of THIS caliber anywhere:
Guess i was wrong…

Good point, especially here since images are displayed here in full. Then it’s just something to keep in mind in other sites if you notice people getting pissed at you. There’s just something about posting images that, I dunno, sets some people off.
I managed to say it right after a couple of attempts. I really wish my cat was more like Myan.
Goodth jobth! Tell your cat they’re a good boy/girl anyway. 😀
Don’t think cat saliva will help
Well, apparently saliva has some antibacterial properties, and why animals lick wounds, so who knows?
1: awe
2: tried and succeeded, same with the title haha
3: yep, also wanna pet her head haha
…A deer licked my face/hair/head, the other day. At a petting zoo. It was kindof adorable.
Careful lest they learn the taste of human flesh. (and it’s not kinda adorable, it is adorable)
I’ve always been good with animals in petting zoos/animals that are used to humans. I have on seperate occasions manage to upset and entire farm of ostriches by talking to them, causing them all to scream incoherently (ostriches kinda “talk” like turkies, so if you know how to emulate the sound, it works), as well as caused an entire herd of goats (like ten times larger than the small ostrich farm) follow me bleating crazily on the other side of the fence after I bleated to them. once they couldn’t follow me around anymore they bleated even higher. Not just the young goats, but their parents too. ALL of them. I don’t know what I said, but I think I they started worshipping me as some sort of God King leading them to the promised land where all the secrets of the universe will be explained, or soemthing like that. O_O;
Then there was that time in summer camp when we went to a zoo and at the petting area, the baby goat(s) kept coming up to me, wanting to be fed and petted. When the camp personel tried that, the goats just walked away. Like how some cats always keep a specific distance, rising up to move away each time you try to come closer.
At the end of the camp, I was awarded a “diploma” for being that year’s Goat Whisperer…
All of this happened long ago at various points in my childhood/teenage years.