They say people who take backups seriously are those: who’ve lost their data before, or know someone who has. Avoid being the first guy by learning how to backup your website and computer with this one simple rule!
They say people who take backups seriously are those: who’ve lost their data before, or know someone who has. Avoid being the first guy by learning how to backup your website and computer with this one simple rule!
This was originally going to be a post about the pros and cons between self-taught and taking classes, but I’ve decided to concentrate on educating yourself since I don’t have much experience with classes even with the few years in college taking Multimedia Arts. I do consider myself lucky that I had a Freehand Drawing professor who taught us concepts from the book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Amazon affiliate link), which now I own myself. It’s a literal lifechanger and I’ll always recommend reading it if you haven’t yet!
I do suggest attending classes/lessons/courses if they’re available, but it can be hard to tell if the teacher will be good. In some cases, it might actually make your art worse, so be careful!
Anyway enough about me, onwards with the post!
Hey there everyone, here’s a pretty… handy tutorial about drawing hands shared by thebluemario in the chat. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I managed to remember to put aside the unfinished drawings, so here’s a quick tutorial about drawing using Adobe Flash. I use the Brush tool with pressure enabled, circular brush shape, and brush size turned up to the max. Enjoy!
So I’ve decided to write a series of posts about making comics, my way. Let’s get started with Step 1 by talking about… ideas!
A lot of hobbies can be done for free, but does that include making webcomics? Excluding expenses like electricity and internet access, I’d say the bare minimum is a computer, but of course, even that can be free in a way. For most people, here’s what you can expect to spend on if you’re planning to start a webcomic. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…