Cowgirl Bikini Tammy
on February 14, 2021Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Artwork featuring characters wearing swimsuits or bikinis
Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Meowdy pardner, it’s the Year of the Ox!
Gonna try to do cow bikini girls almost every day until the 5 (or 7 if including rule 63 Keith & Cruz) girls are done. Tammy or Hibi next!
All aboard the SSS Myan!
An extra juicy shortstack Myan commissioned by BlueDavrial, thank you!
Drawing this in my stream was still fun even with the slow internet at the time. I had to do a bajillion adjustments to make her thiccer, but it was enjoyable and educational for me. As for the stream itself, I was streaming at the “insane” 5000kbps, but the quality seems to be good even at 100 kbps so I’ll stick to that in the future.
And ehem, there’s a free nude version in #nsfw, so thank him for that too!
Plus, our resident Head Furry Hothead did a fan sketch too with a bonus NSFW version, awesome!
This one dedicated for my KitTens! Though er, in the end only one of them showed up and made two out of three suggestions here, but it was enjoyable for everyone nonetheless!
Yugo Ryan requested Rallidae since she hasn’t shown up in the current Episode, and hey, I’ve wanted to draw her in a swimsuit like with the other girls so here ya go!
okay this is epic cute and sexy
Gonna start spacing out the bonus art at least a week for non-patrons, sorry!
Also, RC ($3+) patrons may want to check out the #nsfw-patrons channel for a… less clothed version 😉
Oi mate, you got a loicense for Cruzspreading and drinking?
(may or may not have a nude version in a specific channel in Discord… only for $3 patrons and above though 😉)
Whew, and to think I was feeling pretty unmotivated since I had a hard time trying to draw the body.
I dunno, it’s not pinupy enough I know. Had a hard time trying to decide on his pose or drawing him (and men in general) in the first place. Also not helping is that I’m still undecided on the “style” I should draw guys in, like, how do I draw their muscles? Or, how wide or thin they should be?
Oh well, I’ll figure it out eventually and practice is still practice!
Monthly Myan (and Friends) will be temporarily replaced with bikini pin-ups of the cast, sounds good?
I just want to throw my kittizens just a teeny tiny bit of fanservice (for guys and gals!) since it’s gonna be a while until they wear bikinis again.
Also, here’s a version minus the bikini, but only perverts will look at that, riiiight?