Valentine’s Day 2022
on February 16, 2022A bit late but, Happy Valentine’s Day! 3840×2160 version available in Patreon!
Blog posts with polls
A bit late but, Happy Valentine’s Day! 3840×2160 version available in Patreon!
Haven’t been in the mood to make Halloween wallpapers with multiple characters in forever, but I’ve always wanted to keep drawing something Halloween-related. So, let’s settle with just one character! All patrons can vote for it here, while everyone else can participate with the community poll below (which has no effect on the actual artwork 😛).
Feel free to leave a comment below for costume ideas or if you want other (Cat Nine) characters. Poll closed on Oct. 16.
Thanks 🏅Hothead
Result: Myan won, but of course.
Regarding that unofficial poll by our Discord mod BlueDavrial. Reminder that wild animals are still savage!
While you’re waiting for me to finish the Valentine’s Day 2020 comic, I’ve been doing some testing with possible mobile comic formats. Help out by testing them out with your phone/tablet, then tell me your opinions and suggestions in the comments or polls below!
Links to those pages have been removed! Thanks to everyone who participated!
In order of how easy they are to implement:
Comics can now scroll horizontally. Work involved depends if I upload bigger comic sizes to compensate for the zoomed-in comic. Looks pretty nice in either orientations, I can actually implement this right now if you guys don’t care about the image lower quality!
The comics, just rotated 90 degrees. I still have to upload a separate file for each comic with this method, but at least all I have to do is rotate and export them. Oh, and just before someone suggests it, I did try rotating the whole comic navigation + comic with CSS, but too bad the rest of the page’s elements don’t adjust automatically. If that worked, this would be a way easier fix than Horizontal Scrolling.
I’m not too keen on this though since you have to set your phone to portrait mode, it’s hard to switch into a different format if I change my mind later, aaand my inner web designer is telling me this is stupid.
Upload new versions of the comic strip in a manga-like rectangle format. Gonna take a lot of work to convert the strips into this. The benefit with this is I might be able to use this in physical prints, though the page you can see is still a bit shorter than an actual (Shonen Jump) manga page. Around 20% shorter to be exact! I was thinking of changing Cat Nine’s format to something like this, but I’ll think about it more seriously after the current episode is over.
Related to this is the square format like with the Mega Myan VS Bakunawa comic. Fits in most places and super easy to share in sites like Instagram, but it’s a lot more limiting than it looks. I’m sure you’ve seen some comics that would be a lot better if they cut one or more panels for their joke… and if not, just check out r/comedynecromancy for some examples. You could argue that they just need to level up their humor, but some comics need fewer panels, and that’s often not possible with a square format. Finally, I want to reserve this format for bonus comics, for now. Why am I using it then? Well, it just looks so nice in the home/blog pages ain’t it?
Some of you should be familiar with this mobile-optimized, super-long, vertical comic format. Downside is, like the manga page format, this will take some time to convert and upload. The benefits of this is I can upload this to websites LINE Webtoon, Tapas, and MangaDex. I suppose it does look great on mobile, though I’m not a huge fan of this since you can’t really be creative with the panels… though I’ll admit, I haven’t played with creative panels recently, so this might be a moot point. Lastly, you can drop some panels if needed, unlike the square format. A neutral point is I can just rotate the long horizontal panels I’ve used in Cat Nine. Not ideal, but it will do!
I was supposed to put up an Opinion Stage poll here, but they apparently have a 250/month view limit now with the Free version. They’ve become extremely greedy these past years, geez. Gonna use Straw Poll from now on!
Poll closed and removed!
Looks like Avengers is the theme for this year, thanks to everyone who voted in the poll! Now it’s time to suggest which Cat Nine character is going as which Avenger. And I dunno about you guys, but I don’t think anyone will mind if people suggested other Marvel characters too since there’s really only Black Widow and Scarlet Witch in the team (in the films at least, minus the villians), and well, I’ve wanted to draw Myan as either Black Cat or X-23 (for obvious reasons). Anyway, let’s decide with the poll below if we should stick with Avengers or make it open for other Marvel characters. As usual, vote by commenting below, in social media, or Discord. Suggestions and poll will be closed on September 27!
To anyone planning on making non-Avenger suggestions, please make another suggestion for an Avenger character just in case people voted for Avengers only, unless you don’t care about your suggestion not making it!
Results: No one suggested anything on time! I’m just gonna do whatever, and I don’t think a poll is needed for that.
Whoops, forgot to post this sorry! Multiple choices are allowed here and I’ll close this on September 20.
Poll closed and removed!
Halloween 2018
Oh my, it’s that time of the year again… again! Anyone can make suggestions for this year’s Halloween Wallpaper (download all free wallpapers here), where Cat Nine characters will dress up as characters from another series. As usual, the wallpaper will be available to everyone for free. You can make suggestions by commenting below, in social media, or Discord! The schedule:
Current suggestions
Magical Girl and bonus comics on hiatus
Again, I know. I’ll definitely come back for you Magicat Girl, perhaps after Cat Nine or another project of mine is finished!
I want to concentrate all my comicking efforts on Cat Nine itself, so all bonus comics are also on hiatus… until an Episode ends maybe. I have lots of bonus comic ideas, usually related to the current Episode, but I’ve decided to copy how most manga handle omake (extra) stuff, reserving them at the end of a volume or between chapters.
Commissions now open!
I’m interested in making commissions again, though I’ll only be able to work like 1-2 of them per month though, and I’ll only start working on them after I’m done with all the comic pages for the month. You can also “commission” through Patreon too, which I prefer since you’ll also get the benefits from the other tiers. Here’s my Commissions page!
Tasty cheesecake (also Patreon-related)
Was trying out Picarto instead of Twitch!
Patrons can now vote on the Episode 6 poll where you (well, patrons) can decide what the next Episode is gonna be! Some patrons found the keywords for the poll too vague, so now you can see their synopses here!
Everyone else can vote on the community poll below. Again, it’s only for fun though since I’ll only consider the results from what the patrons voted.
(you can vote on multiple choices)
Poll closed and removed!
Sorry I know this is late, I keep forgetting to post this for some reason. Anyway…
Since everyone else except Cruz (Link’s Gerudo outfit, from Breath of the Wild) will be dressing up as Pokemon characters for this year’s Halloween, someone suggested if it’s better for him to be another Pokemon character as well. Cruz will go as Gary Oak, so it’ll fit Keith’s Ash.
I’ll leave the decision to you guys again through the poll below, then I’ll start making the wallpaper after I’ve made some progress with the next Episode’s storyboard.
Poll closed and removed!