Cowgirl Bikini Tammy
on February 14, 2021Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Artworks on the sexy and erotic side, but not quite NSFW. Will often feature bikinis, lingerie, and various states of undress.
Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Meowdy pardner, it’s the Year of the Ox!
Gonna try to do cow bikini girls almost every day until the 5 (or 7 if including rule 63 Keith & Cruz) girls are done. Tammy or Hibi next!
All aboard the SSS Myan!
An extra juicy shortstack Myan commissioned by BlueDavrial, thank you!
Drawing this in my stream was still fun even with the slow internet at the time. I had to do a bajillion adjustments to make her thiccer, but it was enjoyable and educational for me. As for the stream itself, I was streaming at the “insane” 5000kbps, but the quality seems to be good even at 100 kbps so I’ll stick to that in the future.
And ehem, there’s a free nude version in #nsfw, so thank him for that too!
Plus, our resident Head Furry Hothead did a fan sketch too with a bonus NSFW version, awesome!
For some reason, femCruz happened in the Cat Nine Discord… leading to a commissioned emoji, then some image sets by IndiSkye [part 1] | [part 2 (NSFW!)], and now this extra smug and extra busty femCruz (Cruzette?) that BlueDavrial also commissioned me.
Just some weird and fun things happening in there haha! Thanks for the commissions BlueDavrial, it’s been a while that anyone commissioned me, and thanks for making those amazing image sets Indi Skye
So you didn’t keep yer eyes close didja, you manyak?!
For page 219 as promised! Take two since she already stripped before and it’s super similar… though I suppose this one’s not exactly stripping since she really is just checking herself out.
I might make a no undies version later for patrons. Nude version might be too much work!
No underwear version up! Opted for that instead of totally nude because of the work and the poses wouldn’t make sense without the clothing.
As suggested by jonenat. Reminds me a lot of this! Going to consider this two KitTens worth of art, there are two characters after all!
I love the song, it’s cute! She’s one of the girls from Butter Sugar Cream’s cover art. Also available on Spotify!
Super not feeling it when I drew this and I have no idea where the big ara ara energy came from, but I don’t think anyone’s gonna complain!
Originally, I was wondering what she’d look like with dark skin since a cat’s skin is the same or similar to their fur in real life. Might as well try with paler skin too!
The teacher from page 45 to be specific.
And yep, nude version available, it’s been awhile!
I keep forgetting to put up a color poll where patrons can vote on which bonus art I should color (The one with the tawlis lost). Sorry patrons!
Was thinking if I should just replace the sketch with this and just making a status update, but I’m gonna have to post this in other social media sites anyway.
I’ve always wanted to do the “one pose, multiple angles” exercise. Might as well use it together with one of the poses that cats do, and hey, I know a catgirl that’s perfect as a model!
And well… you can see why cats are often “coded” as female because they have a lot of poses like this.