Magicat Girl – 3
on March 15, 2018 HD<<First page | <-Previous page
First time drawing a proper-ish (destroyed) cityscape, WHEW. Loooking goood eh?
Patreon-related stuff
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First time drawing a proper-ish (destroyed) cityscape, WHEW. Loooking goood eh?
This should’ve ended last December 5th, but whatever! Anyhoo, all patrons since October 2017 that contributed any amount to the $100 Goal are now set in stone, so thank you so much! Here’s the finished version of the previous sketch as thanks! Anyone can click here or the image to view the larger version.
Also, a little announcement concerning Goals
If the current pledge is very near a Goal, I’ll only fulfill them the next month after I’ve received your pledges, and if the pledges I’ve received is greater or equal to the goal amount.
This is because patrons might cancel or make late payments (thus lowering the real pledge amount), and prevent multiple Goal Reached announcements (like for the 1st Goal).
Again, thanks to all the patrons below for helping Cat Nine reach its 2nd Goal!
Wolf with a Blog – Reached $100 in Patreon! I’ll start writing new blog posts every month, maybe tutorials about writing, drawing, comics, and stuff. Tell me if you want a specific topic! Thanks you guys!
Oh yeahhh, coloring the flats was definitely faster ever since I organized my color palette in Clip Studio.
And it’s not too obvious, but I found another way to cel-shade. Not sure if it’s faster (I think it’s slower and messier), but it does make shading/highlighting over patterns a lot easier. Plus I can also use the technique with pencil-shading as well!
Tiger thanks for December my dudes! My other idea for Myan’s bikini was tiger stripes, as well as her transforming into a tigergirl, but eh, I’ve kinda done it already. Also hey, 8 years of improvement eh? Most of that time was spent being pathetic though haha…hah.
Sorry this was late guys, here’s a detailed sketched of Myan as a shortstack to make up for it! Apparently she’s not that stacked but, whatever! well, I made a more stacked version.
Hello my patrons! You’ve probably received an email about Patreon’s new fee structure, and some of you have already cancelled your pledges in protest of it. I just want to let you guys know, no hard feelings if you do delete your pledge!
I’ve done all I can to let Patreon know that I don’t agree with the new changes, although yeah, it’s basically just tweeting (@Patreon and @PatreonSupport) and messaging them. That’s about all I can do really, and I suggest you tweet/message them as well.
Hopefully they’ll keep the old system, but if not, well, I’m still grateful for your past support! If you’d still like to show support without going through Patreon though, you can always buy me a ko-fi,
EDIT: I tried!
EDIT 2: Well, looks like they’ll be keeping the old fee, thank goodness. Still gonna be wary of them though, and so should you.
At least they replied but geez, reeeeaaalll helpful @patreon @PatreonSupport. pic.twitter.com/TVsfwgWHts
— Lazylonewolf (@thelazylonewolf) December 8, 2017
@Patreon @PatreonSupport #NotAllCreators pic.twitter.com/sUqooeZHuD
— Lazylonewolf (@thelazylonewolf) December 8, 2017
Finally back, and thanks for being my patron even during the hiatus and then reaching the $100 Goal! Gonna start blogging soon as well, and I think I’ll do these thank you drawings from now on, plus a monthly drawing of Myan “cosplaying” as other characters (likely other catgirls like Felicia). The following things were only possible with the pledges you’ve given me!
Oh man, this is the best birthday gift ever, thank you my patrons! If I played football (soccer to Americans 😃), I would’ve screamed GOOOAAL and then done some hilarious celebrations. Everyone else can still join the party below until the end of December 5th 2017!
Wolf with a Blog – Reached $100 Goal on October 2017. I’ll start writing new blog posts every month, maybe tutorials about writing, drawing, comics, and stuff. Tell me if you want a specific topic! Thanks you guys!
Thanks for being my patron even during the hiatus! The following things were only possible with the pledges you’ve given me!
I’m gonna be honest, I’m way behind on some of the work during the hiatus, like the long overdue secret side-project and the new patron-only wallpaper, but I suppose I’ll just have to finish them during the next Episode then!
And last but not the least, again, special thanks to my patron who’s managed to pledge a $100 lifetime total these past few months!
NomAd – Pledge at least $7
Reader’s Choice – Pledge at least $3
Starter Pack – Pledge at least $1
I post these around the 6th every month (after Patreon sends me the funds). If you were declined, your name might not show up here, but I’ll add it back after you’ve paid of course. If you’ve donated through ko-fi, only the ones who’ve donated for the previous month will show up. If I missed anyone or want to add a link to your website, please let me know!
So, I tried it this time using the colors I usually use for the shadow/highlights instead of using a multiply blend. A bit more work to color it, but I’m happy to say that I found a way to mostly, if not perfectly, replicate how I shade/highlight in Flash… and then some!
Oh, and check out the backgrounds that can be downloaded for Clip Studio, niiiice.