Art trade with 🏅Hothead . Was supposed to be for Christmas 2021, but ah, a little too late for that, sorry! So now it’s for Year of the Tiger instead. Nude version available on my Patreon and Pixiv.
EDIT 1/22/2023: Hothead also drew her in this outfit, pretty cute! Check out the SFW(?) and NSFW versions!
Some festive art for @thelazylonewolf. I think I told him months ago that I'd draw some fanart for Christmas, but I can't remember why I said so that early.
Just trying to draw daily to start a drawing habit which I’ve never really had. I’ll force myself to draw em if I have to, even if I have to draw them faster (which lowers the quality), or draw something easier! I post them daily on Discord and Twitter, then I compile and post them like this every 7/8 drawings. Excuse me if I don’t want to name these every time I draw them, so I’ll just point out the noteworthy ones.
femCruz drawing is a birthday gift for BlueDavrial. Happy Birthday again!
BlueDavrial has asked for tits, and tits shall he (and all of you) receive! So might as well use this opportunity to practice.
I’m not that good yet at solely drawing chests without drawing the other parts surrounding them like shoulders, arms, etc. I consider them important in forming their shape and that chests only look good when drawn together with them.
This is apparently too spicy for non-nsfw Discord since it kept me from posting the image itself there. I guess I’ll take that as a compliment!
Sorry if I didn’t get the small-chested girls (Rallidae… maybe Myan?) to look small. Oh well!
I can’t exactly call it cowgirl “bikini” if Haliya’s only “wearing” body paint. Like before, Haliya’s unmasked face is not canon until it actually shows up in the comic, but yeah, she does look pretty cute here!
Welp, that’s all the notable Cat Nine girls, but I’ll make a genderbent Keith and Cruz too since this also counts as a height chart and so they can join in on the fun too.
A bit late but hey. And yeah, there’s a textless version if you’re that thirsty, wink wink. I didn’t originally really plan this to take place before our heroes (I gotta come up with a name for their group…) arrived at their village, but making it so seemed like a good fit.
I also don’t really have names for these three girls yet, though I’ve just been naming the layers I drew them in as “Nami”, “Hothead”, and “Blondie”.
Oh yeah, just found out about the<details> html tag. Gonna use them for the transcripts. Unlike the actual comic pages, that feature isn’t built-in for these blog posts…
[The trio of Haliyans discuss their plans for getting a date…] Redhead Haliyan: The waiting game. Works every time, eventually! Brunette Haliyan: Ah, patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. But I prefer-Brunette Haliyan: Brustkrieg!! Give them no time to think, except “yes”! Redhead Haliyan: Bodacious, as usual!Blonde Haliyan: Instead of relying on convoluted tactics, I was thinking of just asking directly this time.Brunette Haliyan: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!! Redhead Haliyan: Is that the breast you can do?!
Originally, I was wondering what she’d look like with dark skin since a cat’s skin is the same or similar to their fur in real life. Might as well try with paler skin too!