Two Big Problems – Nude Edit
on November 29, 2021Err, commissioned by Red because reasons! See the “details” for free at the Pixiv link!
Artworks that are NSFW, with characters having sex and/or in indecent poses. You can view them in full on Patreon or Pixiv (if available)
Err, commissioned by Red because reasons! See the “details” for free at the Pixiv link!
Caught between two soft places oh nooooo~
Commissioned by BlueDavrial and Red Marine, thanks as usual!
Two versions: the original version with the pink BG, and the night version with reused BG from page 153. If you’re wondering why it looks just a tad different, I tried to do what this video on anime-style coloring taught.
Also censored so I can post it here.
BlueDavrial has graciously used one of his chibi commissions for 🏅Hothead
This is the censored version, had to remove some “details”.
A messy but happy femCruz after a fun time. Commissioned by BlueDavrial.
Alternate version with some “fuzz” available in the Patreon post.
Heh, it took the 2nd NSFW commission to turn furry. Commissioned by John, thank you!
RAR file also includes untinted versions.
Oh man, I don’t think Keith is getting out of this alive. 😏
It’s got different versions and the WIPs are included. A RAR file containing everything is also available.
Thanks to Red, BlueDavrial, and IndiSkye for commissioning me this! And Hothead for being extra helpful with the commission! I’m grateful enough to all of them to give these four a sketch chibi as an extra!
If the commissioners permit it, commissions will be publicly available and free to download, so be thankful to the guys above! It’ll be available in Patreon, Discord (pinned in #nsfw), and my Google Drive, if space permits.
So… this is my first actually NSFW piece that aren’t just nudes, and the cause of me marking my Patreon page as Adult Content. IMO this should be free to download for everyone since it’s a commission, but all NSFW stuff have to be patron-exclusive.
Welllll I hope this was worth it being cursed cause my hard drive crashed and SATA cable broke while I was working on this! At least this got me to upgrade to Windows 10 (from 8), and now I can use my Cintiq 16 with a higher resolution… and emojis! Oh, and more money, so that’s good!
A bunch of important announcements, particularly for my Patreon.
Comicad just recently started a beta for some sort of premium membership. With it, I can now place up to five ad units instead of three. For now, I’ve only replaced the AdSense responsive ad in the main content area with two half-banner ads. I’d rather go with Comicad instead of Google every time because:
I’ll leave alone the last two AdSense ads in the meantime, though I might replace one of them with the fifth Comicad unit in the future.
Like I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve now activated charge up front. Now, new patrons or increased pledges will be charged immediately. The downside is no more trying out my Patreon, but the upsides are I get your money immediately and it’s also useful for…
It’s for commissioning me through Patreon. It’s basically just a $10 pledge + a $45 commission, discounted from my usual price of $50 (10% off). You’ll also get access to #aristocat-manor in Discord, the perfect place for gloating, mwuhahaha! The rest can just watch in envy, but they cannot speak. This tier has limited slots though, but I can open up more according to my free time. Read up on the details about the tier and commissioning me on my Patreon page. And huge thanks to my patrons that took these slots immediately!
It also contributes a nice amount to the new Goal I’ve set up recently…
If the $300 Goal is reached I’ll start drawing NSFW for art suggestions or commissions! It’s my first time doing these, so keep it on the vanilla side, please.
Art suggestions will be Patreon-exclusive, although if it ‘s applicable I’ll post the censored versions here and in my social media. For NSFW commissions however, I’ll leave it to the commissioner if they wish to share it publicly.
Finally, here’s some good news…
Who knew sex actually sells, and quickly at that! I will now do NSFW art for this month and as long as the Goal is reached.
$5 patrons and above, you can change your suggestions to NSFW if you want to. Three people took the AristoCat slots just to reach this Goal so expect them to be pretty spicy!
The rest of you, well, you can wait for an AristoCat slot next month, become a $5+ patron if you want to suggest art, or enjoy the censored version… if they aren’t too spicy that is! Judging from the AristoCats’ discussions in #nsfw it’ll likely involve Cat Nine characters, but we’ll see what kind of perversion they’ll come up in there! And who knows, if they’re feeling generous perhaps they’ll share their commissions for all.
To all my patrons this month, and maybe future ones, thanks so much! I’m going to make another Hall of Fame entry in the Patrons page for the $300 Goal. If you want your name in there, then maybe now’s a good time to pledge.
For some reason, femCruz happened in the Cat Nine Discord… leading to a commissioned emoji, then some image sets by IndiSkye [part 1] | [part 2 (NSFW!)], and now this extra smug and extra busty femCruz (Cruzette?) that BlueDavrial also commissioned me.
Just some weird and fun things happening in there haha! Thanks for the commissions BlueDavrial, it’s been a while that anyone commissioned me, and thanks for making those amazing image sets Indi Skye
I’ll be activating charge up front for Patreon at the start of the next month, revamp the art suggestions, and mayyyybe start accepting NSFW art too.
Charge up front
New patrons will be charged on the day you become a patron, giving you access to all content shared with their reward tier.
For existing patrons, there shouldn’t any changes. You’ll still get charged on the 1st of every month.
Read more about charge up front here.
I was reluctant to apply this cause I wanted to give my new patrons the opportunity to give my stuff a try and maybe prevent them from buyer’s remorse since you all know I’m pretty slow with the updates! I did plan to implement charge up front anyway if people keep abusing it. It has happened two times already, and I was going to activate it on the third “strike”. There’s no going back after I activate charge up front too.
It’s kinda annoying waking up and being happy about receiving a “New patron!” email but they actually canceled when I later checked Patreon!
Revamping art suggestions
I’ve wanted to revamp the art suggestions for a while now. Basically it’s exchanging one Cat Nine bonus art/comic for fan art. I really want to do more fan art stuff for the sake of self-promotion you see, and 1 bonus/fan art every week and alternating between Cat Nine and fan art doesn’t seem like a bad idea to me.
KitTens ($10+)
RAWRs ($5+)
KitTens ($10+)
RAWRs ($5+)
Just a possibility. I still don’t think I’m horny enough to draw lewd stuff regularly haha.
If I did go nsfw, I’m thinking that $10+ can make nsfw suggestions and $5+ can see them. And yes, they count as a KitTen art suggestion, but at least now you can suggest lewd stuff. I don’t think I can make too extreme stuff yet haha, so keep em on the vanilla side. And yes, if I went ahead with this, nsfw fan art suggestions will also be accepted.
I’m also thinking of making either non or lewd-version tiers for RAWRs and KitTens (at the same price) so you won’t see nsfw stuff if you don’t like those.
Halloween 2018
Oh my, it’s that time of the year again… again! Anyone can make suggestions for this year’s Halloween Wallpaper (download all free wallpapers here), where Cat Nine characters will dress up as characters from another series. As usual, the wallpaper will be available to everyone for free. You can make suggestions by commenting below, in social media, or Discord! The schedule:
Current suggestions
Magical Girl and bonus comics on hiatus
Again, I know. I’ll definitely come back for you Magicat Girl, perhaps after Cat Nine or another project of mine is finished!
I want to concentrate all my comicking efforts on Cat Nine itself, so all bonus comics are also on hiatus… until an Episode ends maybe. I have lots of bonus comic ideas, usually related to the current Episode, but I’ve decided to copy how most manga handle omake (extra) stuff, reserving them at the end of a volume or between chapters.
Commissions now open!
I’m interested in making commissions again, though I’ll only be able to work like 1-2 of them per month though, and I’ll only start working on them after I’m done with all the comic pages for the month. You can also “commission” through Patreon too, which I prefer since you’ll also get the benefits from the other tiers. Here’s my Commissions page!
Tasty cheesecake (also Patreon-related)