on November 14, 2019I guess Myan found it funny too.
I guess Myan found it funny too.
This is a previous vote comic, which means there’s a new one already if you vote now – Vote to show your support!
“I-It’s not like I didn’t want you to see the real me or anything!”
(may or may not have a nude version in a specific channel in Discord… only for $3 patrons and above though 😉)
Whew, and to think I was feeling pretty unmotivated since I had a hard time trying to draw the body.
Was trying out Picarto instead of Twitch!
I particularly liked the cardboard boxbot I did. Thanks to everyone who contributed to that suggestion!
Hoo boy I drew a lot this time.
This was supposed to be a sketch as usual buuut hey, why not introduce true!Hibi with a bit more oomph? Ready for prom or summer! Hothead also made another colored version using the sketch so, thanks Hothead, it’s adorable!
Tried out a lot of stuff for this drawing:
Sorry for the silence guys, I’m back again! Was busy with other stuff, and then got sick, although that was self-inflicted cause it was from coffee withdrawal. I like coffee (2 shots of espresso a day!), but I really don’t like the idea of constantly drinking it just to stave away the withdrawal symptoms, so I quit cold-turkey.
Heh, big mistake, in hindsight I should’ve just weaned my consumption. Headaches and nausea happened for a little more than a week, and I think I had a panic attack one night, jeez.
Anyhoo, here’s a detailed Monthly Myan (and Friends, cause I want to draw other characters too) of Hibi as Cupid (with a bit of Birth of Venus, cause she was Cupid’s mother) to make up for my absence.
From today’s stream:
Oh, and I’ve installed a plugin in the website that lets you know if I’m currently streaming, you know, aside from me tweeting, facebooking, and discording about it. Keep your eye on the top-left! Might not work for mobile though!