Halloween 2015 is almost upon us, and that means I’m gonna make a new header again just like last year. It’s not a “thing” yet, but I’ve decided that it should be, so look forward to this every year from now on – and I might even make some artwork for them and post it here. So yeah, if you’ve have any ideas/suggestions for their costumes, please leave a comment, tweet, etc.!
Ideas so far:
- Me:Â
I want something cool, and Myan “dressed-up” as another catgirl character, like Felicia or Taokaka. Maybe characters in a show, like Mystery Inc. (Scooby-Doo)?Undertale! - gudenau: Fiora, Shulk, Dunban and Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles
- oStaiko: Myan as Keith
- man in black:Â Go with a theme for all of them
- BlueMario:  Redraw the old old costumes for the banner. Like the Cruz Missile and those (here are the ones for Myan, Keith, and Tammy)
- David Nuttall:Â Myan as the Cowardly Lion, Tammy as Dorothy, Keith as the Scarecrow and the Cruz as the Tin Man. Or Justice League.
- CuteManabi: Sailor Moon cosplay. Keith as Tuxedo Kamen, the rest as Sailor Senshi. (Your pick which is which.) I just think it’d be funny that Cruz is forced to cosplay as a girl.
- Remara:Â everyone dressed as food with Keith as a burger Myan as fish Blondie as idk pizza? and the girl as a chicken leg