Cowgirl Bikini Tammy
on February 14, 2021Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Fishmeistercod: TAMMY IS HORNY
Rallidae dressed up as one of the maids in Blend S. Honestly, not a bad look for her! Suggested by ZeroKelvinKeyboard
Yandere Fox Maid Myan! I don’t care for maids, but this is kinda cute.
Looks like Avengers is the theme for this year, thanks to everyone who voted in the poll! Now it’s time to suggest which Cat Nine character is going as which Avenger. And I dunno about you guys, but I don’t think anyone will mind if people suggested other Marvel characters too since there’s really only Black Widow and Scarlet Witch in the team (in the films at least, minus the villians), and well, I’ve wanted to draw Myan as either Black Cat or X-23 (for obvious reasons). Anyway, let’s decide with the poll below if we should stick with Avengers or make it open for other Marvel characters. As usual, vote by commenting below, in social media, or Discord. Suggestions and poll will be closed on September 27!
To anyone planning on making non-Avenger suggestions, please make another suggestion for an Avenger character just in case people voted for Avengers only, unless you don’t care about your suggestion not making it!
Results: No one suggested anything on time! I’m just gonna do whatever, and I don’t think a poll is needed for that.
Whoops, forgot to post this sorry! Multiple choices are allowed here and I’ll close this on September 20.
Poll closed and removed!
Halloween 2018
Oh my, it’s that time of the year again… again! Anyone can make suggestions for this year’s Halloween Wallpaper (download all free wallpapers here), where Cat Nine characters will dress up as characters from another series. As usual, the wallpaper will be available to everyone for free. You can make suggestions by commenting below, in social media, or Discord! The schedule:
Current suggestions
Magical Girl and bonus comics on hiatus
Again, I know. I’ll definitely come back for you Magicat Girl, perhaps after Cat Nine or another project of mine is finished!
I want to concentrate all my comicking efforts on Cat Nine itself, so all bonus comics are also on hiatus… until an Episode ends maybe. I have lots of bonus comic ideas, usually related to the current Episode, but I’ve decided to copy how most manga handle omake (extra) stuff, reserving them at the end of a volume or between chapters.
Commissions now open!
I’m interested in making commissions again, though I’ll only be able to work like 1-2 of them per month though, and I’ll only start working on them after I’m done with all the comic pages for the month. You can also “commission” through Patreon too, which I prefer since you’ll also get the benefits from the other tiers. Here’s my Commissions page!
Tasty cheesecake (also Patreon-related)
Sorry for the silence guys, I’m back again! Was busy with other stuff, and then got sick, although that was self-inflicted cause it was from coffee withdrawal. I like coffee (2 shots of espresso a day!), but I really don’t like the idea of constantly drinking it just to stave away the withdrawal symptoms, so I quit cold-turkey.
Heh, big mistake, in hindsight I should’ve just weaned my consumption. Headaches and nausea happened for a little more than a week, and I think I had a panic attack one night, jeez.
Anyhoo, here’s a detailed Monthly Myan (and Friends, cause I want to draw other characters too) of Hibi as Cupid (with a bit of Birth of Venus, cause she was Cupid’s mother) to make up for my absence.
Aside from Cruz, looks like Pokemon is this year’s Halloween theme! Thanks for voting!
Only one week to vote for the Halloween 2017 Poll!
Current likely winners below. Maybe YOU can change the results?