Become a Patron or donate through ko-fi and your name will be added here. You guys keep Cat Nine alive for everyone to enjoy. Thank you, everyone!
- This page, and the High Scorers and Achievements widgets to the left are manually curated. I try to update these every month. Last updated 4/23/2024.
- Unless I’m familiar with your name, I’ll likely use your Patreon profile name to make this page easier to update. For ko-fi donations, you’ll be listed as your name or as anonymous.
- If you want to add a link to your website, you can send it to me through email, chat, or message me on Patreon.

KitTens – Pledge at least $10
- Sunblaze (annual)
- Voxumo (annual)
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- 🏅BlueDavrial
- Rothiem
- 🏅MCWildcat
- Xiao Sishen
- 🏅Hothead
- Jimmi Kristensen
- blehmaster9000 and more
Former patrons
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Fishmeistercod
- Red Miso

RAWR! – Pledge at least $5
- wut (annual)
- Techokami
- Mew
Former patrons
- ZetashockCat
- TyGuy
- Staik
- Sir Wuffles
- BirdmanGA
- Jeremy Bentley
- Cmoparw
- Hilda Leyes
- Aliumas147
- Dragon Hawk
- feralcat52
- Luke
- Knut Breitschuh
- tagno25
- Soblin
- Gojira Tanaka
- Sz
- Steffen
- DeadLee
- Kyle Madsen
- DragonOfLord

Reader’s choice – Pledge at least $3
- Emmanuel Ashitey (Annual)
- K.o.R (annual)
- Jake Pizorno
- xtrickshotprox
Former patrons
- Bastiandantilus
- Fifthwing
- Raijin Fox
- Shawn Whyte
- Nydrian Streben
- Luke
- SeventhSkull
- love dragon
- Jack Daniels
- msmgma 79727003JD
- HornySeason
- Nicholas
- Paul Chapman
- Phoenix
- Atte Miettinen
- Poasi Manu

Starter Pack – Pledge at least $1
- Adam Peterson (annual)
- Cmoparw
- Figerl Jörg a.k.a. Zervikalsyndrom
- AMoldyDoughnut
- Frank Garcia
- Shawn Whyte
- Paul Bonser
- Snamorta
Former patrons
- Henry K9
- Alex Neumann
- None
- Anubis
- Keith Steiger

Ko-fi Enablers – Donated through Ko-fi or other means
- Some anonymous but also totally awesome guy – 100 coffees?! Someone call the police because someone just killed me with kindness!
- Anonymous – 2 coffees, yum!
- MCWildcat – 15 servings of mmhmm!
- Alex Neumann – Oh wow, you didn’t have to but thanks for the 2 coffees!
- Another amazing anonymous guy – Also 33 coffees! I guess I won’t be sleeping for a month or two!
- BlueDavrial- 5 coffees. Drinks up!
- Anonymous – One strong cuppa joe!
- Michael – Fueled up and ready to go with 1 cup of goodness
Hall of Fame
Patrons that contributed to reaching a Goal will appear here for all eternity, forever remembered.

True Pioneers & First Weekers – Pledged from the first week (May 4-11, 2017) of Cat Nine’s Patreon launch, and kept it up until the end of the July 2017! Thank you so much!
- Fishmeistercod
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- ZetashockCat
- MCWildcat
- Kaisoni
First Monthers – Pledged during the first month (May 12 – June 1)
- Red Miso
- Knut Breitschuh
- Henry K9
- 🏅Hothead
- Alex Neumann
Pioneer – Pledged during Cat Nine’s Patreon page launch (May 2017 to July 2017)
- AMoldyDoughnut
- Aliumas147
- tagno25
- Figerl Jörg a.k.a. Zervikalsyndrom
- Scarekitty
- BlueDavrial
- Frank Garcia

Wolf with a Blog – Reached $100 on Feb 5, 2018! I’ll start writing new blog posts every month, maybe tutorials about writing, drawing, comics, and stuff. Tell me if you want a specific topic! Thanks you guys!
- Kaisoni
- Scarekitty
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- Knut Breitschuh
- Fishmeistercod
- Aliumas147
- BlueDavrial
- Rothiem
- 🏅Hothead
- Red Marine
- MCWildcat
- Sunblaze
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- ZetashockCat
- Frank Garcia
- tagno25
- AMoldyDoughnut
- Alex Neumann
- Figerl Jörg a.k.a. Zervikalsyndrom
- Steffen
- risky

1-up – Reached $50 Goal on May 2017, June 2017. This is enough to keep Cat Nine running every year and have some extra for advertising. Thank you so much!
- Fishmeistercod
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- ZetashockCat
- MCWildcat
- Kaisoni
- Red Marine
- Knut Breitschuh
- Henry K9
- 🏅Hothead
- Alex Neumann
- AMoldyDoughnut
- Aliumas147
- tagno25
- Figerl Jörg a.k.a. Zervikalsyndrom

NomAd – The old $7 tier. Removed it since the only benefit (no ads) has been moved to RAWR. Thanks to all who’ve pledged in the meantime!
- Kaisoni
- BlueDavrial
- Fishmeistercod
- Rothiem
- Aliumas147
- 🏅Yugo Ryan
- ZeroKelvinKeyboard
- Luke
- Sir Wuffles
- Scarekitty