Site Changes and Plans – October 23, 2014
Currently done:
- Removed “Gallery” link from the menu. I don’t think anyone checks that out anyway, plus I do have my deviantArt account for that.
- Added bookmark widget. Tag/bookmark a page, so you can go back to it later! It will only work on the same device however. I might remove this if isn’t used much.
- Added page numbers to comic titles. Much easier searching using the search feature and the archives.
- Added notes in the rant section to certain comics. Who knows, it might be interesting.
- Added alt-text to all comics. If you don’t know what alt-text is, it’s that thing that pops-up if you mouse over an image, or as a replacement for the image. Just some extra fun.
- Optimized the website, all comic images, and some other images in the website. Smaller size, faster browsing!
- Turn “Vote Cat Nine for President!” section, into a “Support Cat Nine” section.
- Finish my Patreon page. Again, suggestions for Patreon rewards are appreciated!
- Make buffer comics, about 4-12 in advance. If anyone wants to submit some guest comics so I can have time to do this, please do!
- Make an HD/larger comics section, for those Patrons who pledged for it. May need some experimenting with this first.
- Make an intro video or comic. I’m leaning towards making a video, but I don’t really feel like showing my ugly mug, haha.
- Make downloadable PDF or CBR files. For those who want to view higher quality images in Adobe Reader or CDisplay.
- Setup store and design some products. I have no idea what to put in here as of now though. Got any suggestions in mind?
- Add vote comic/image links that’s related to a specific comic page. Some of the pages already have these though. Kinda low priority though.
- I might add links that point out to InkOutbreak and Comic Rocket. Maybe I’ll make a Follow Cat Nine thingy.
@hkmaly Ah, I’ve heard it depends on the browser used. Good thing this comic’s theme automatically adds them both since it says it only applies the alt tag. In any case, all I care is that other people can see them in their browsers no matter what they’re using.
Alt tag is replacement for the image. Its the TITLE tag which pops-up if you mouse over an image. Of course, you have both set to the same text.