Episode 5 – Myan Hairstyle Poll
on June 1, 2017Patrons can now vote for Myan’s hairstyle for the next Episode. Everyone else, have fun with the community poll below!
Poll closed and removed!
All posts related to Lazylonewolf’s Patreon.
Patrons can now vote for Myan’s hairstyle for the next Episode. Everyone else, have fun with the community poll below!
Poll closed and removed!
I know the First Goal is just to keep Cat Nine running and get more readers but wow, oh wow! I never could’ve imagined that the first goal would be reached in a month, thank you guys so much! Looks like Cat Nine’s staying for good this time!
I”ve already made a new entry for the first goal in the Patrons page for you, The Nine, unless someone else becomes a patron wink. In that case, Nine + One, like the Goal! No, don’t even mention “what if another one becomes a patron?”, my mind simply cannot comprehend it . Still, it’s awesome that the First Goal was reached with 9 patrons. 🐱
Fun fact: the first goal was supposed to be $10 (cost for hosting and domain name), that’s why the pic for it was 9 + 1. To be honest, it’s a little pricier compared to, say, Bluehost, but I’m hosting Cat Nine locally (Philippines) to support local businesses. So uh, I just wanna say that you’re also supporting this little country of mine, and I appreciate that!
Thanks to all who helped reached the goal and made Cat Nine’s Patreon a success! To everyone else, this is your last chance to join the list below by becoming a patron before May ends!
EDIT: Nine + One patrons, woooo!
1-up – Reached $50 Goal at May 2017. This is enough to keep Cat Nine running every year and have some extra for advertising. Thank you so much!
Final reminder for the Episode 5 poll, which let’s you choose the topic for it. I’ll close it a day after I post page 139. This is your last chance to vote if you’re already a patron, or to become a ($2) patron if you want to vote. Current results are:
If there’s a draw, I’ll just pick between them.
So it’s been a week now since I launched Cat Nine’s Patreon page. I was honestly pessimistic with it so I wasn’t expecting anyone at all to be pledging anything at least for a year or so, or ever for that matter. But oh boy, five people already pledged before a week was over, and all of them immediately went for the highest tier (RAWR $4). One of them even bumped up their pledge to double digits!
These guys managed to touch me in all the right places (my heart), and it feels great that a few people out there in this wide world actually cared enough about a silly little catgirl comic from the Philippines! I’ve been having an awesome week thanks to them (and I bought pizza) and it gives me hope that one day I’ll be making enough to live off Cat Nine.
To the people below, thank you! Remember these names because I’ll allow them to lord over their True Fan status over everyone and they’ll get a special place in the Patron page Hall of Fame (psst, the next one is if you become a patron in the first month, until June 3).
It’s never too late to join the party though! And hey, it’s totally fine if you don’t feel like becoming a patron! You can still show your support just by voting everyday, and turning off your ad block or adding Cat Nine to your ad block’s whitelist.
BUT if you were a patron though, you would’ve enjoyed these Rewards for the past week (and future plans for Rewards):
More Rewards and Goals
Since one of them asking about higher-rewards, I also put up some ideas for additional Rewards and Goals. I’ll make the decision next month to think things through, but I might implement the ad/banner free reward next week. Don’t really want to add more workload cause I prefer to concentrate on the comic!