Catgirls Gone Wild
on January 28, 2023View the HD+WIP for on Patreon, or for free on Pixiv!
Just two catgirls grooming each other very… thoroughly.
Commissioned by 🏅Indi Skye
View the HD+WIP for on Patreon, or for free on Pixiv!
Just two catgirls grooming each other very… thoroughly.
Commissioned by 🏅Indi Skye
Hothead’s sandcat character looking at ya like she’s asking “Would you like a sip, or be sipped?”
A chibi Aka Miso with something mysterious?/dangerous?/tasty? in their mouth!
Ah Lum, of the very first and finest waifus by the very cultured woman Rumiko Takahashi. I’m so glad that the Urusei Yatsura remake came out last year!
Anyone in the mood for some Japanese? Might go well with some tea too.
I’ll admit, I’m not that good with holding chopsticks yet… but if anyone mentions “sus”, I’ll happily and clumsily stab you in the eyes with chopsticks. 😉
Marble pattern by Vectonauta on Freepik
Just a lawyer about to commit crime 😏
Commissioned by Skye and their friend.
Mimi daydreaming if she’s a real catgirl. Would’ve made her gym class easier if it was real!
I’ve decided to split the drawing into five pieces (and commissions) then compile it into one like the thumbnails since 🏅Indi Skye
For Halloween, albeit late. Multo means ghost btw.
“You’re quite the magical treat for a mere mortal.”
Taite being threatened with a good time by Jade, but Bernardo is there to protect him.
Commissioned by Tythen [deviantArt | Twitter]