I’ve deleted my Tapas account and all comics under it as of March 2, 2021
I’ll start converting or “Tapastifying” Cat Nine pages from now on, probably 0-3 times a week. As an example, here’s what page 1 would look like when converted! Anyway, here’s Cat Nine’s page on Tapastic if you want to subscribe or something.
Source: Cat Nine :: 1 – First Day for Everything | Tapastic Comics
If you have a WordPress website and using cPanel, be careful of HotLink Protection. It caused the mess earlier this morning, preventing everyone from loading or displaying any images, even on the website itself.
No images is disastrous in a web comic and since I lack the technical skills beyond HTML and CSS, I panicked a little to be honest… The tech support for my webhost was also a little unhelpful. At least I had my backups just in case I couldn’t fix it.
It seems there’s still an unfixed bug with cPanel’s HotLink Protection. Even if you disable it in the HotLink Protection page, it doesn’t seem to work. Apparently, HotLink Protection adds something to all the .htaccess files in your website directory.
How to fix this
1. Find and download all your .htaccess files in the public_html folder. If you have another website/subdomain, include them too.
2. Open them and look for something like this. In my case, I found it at the bottom.
All this sitting around drawing, writing, coloring, etc. Yeah, it’s not good for your health. Even more so if your hobbies also involve a lot of sitting around (video games, reading, surfing, Facebook, etc).
So I just want to say to everybody, maybe take a walk, stretch a little, or even better, plan a regular exercise schedule! Just so you won’t encounter into any health problems later on. Mind you, I’m still a beginner at exercise, but boy do I feel great! Aaaand losing a bit of weight, and gaining some muscle certainly doesn’t hurt.
Welp, good luck to everyone on their comic, and stay healthy!
EDIT 1/1/2024: Ah, it seems it's down for good now. RIP one of the sites that helped me on my way to becoming an artist... at least it's still alive through the Wayback Machine, of which I've replaced the link below with it
Oh this takes me back - there weren't that many tutorials available on the Internet back then! His tutorials helped me a long time ago when I absolutely have no idea how to draw in anime/manga style yet.
It's extremely outdated and some of the pages aren't working anymore, but you can probably still learn something from these. It's got some basic anime figure drawing, and coloring/special effects in Photoshop (really old version).
Let's see if I can find that other old site where I learned to draw manga... all I remember is a blue header, with a cat girl on it. Can anyone else recall it?
Halloween 2015 is almost upon us, and that means I’m gonna make a new header again just like last year. It’s not a “thing” yet, but I’ve decided that it should be, so look forward to this every year from now on – and I might even make some artwork for them and post it here. So yeah, if you’ve have any ideas/suggestions for their costumes, please leave a comment, tweet, etc.!
Ideas so far:
Me: I want something cool, and Myan “dressed-up” as another catgirl character, like Felicia or Taokaka. Maybe characters in a show, like Mystery Inc. (Scooby-Doo)?Undertale!
BlueMario:  Redraw the old old costumes for the banner. Like the Cruz Missile and those (here are the ones for Myan, Keith, and Tammy)
David Nuttall:Â Myan as the Cowardly Lion, Tammy as Dorothy, Keith as the Scarecrow and the Cruz as the Tin Man. Or Justice League.
CuteManabi: Sailor Moon cosplay. Keith as Tuxedo Kamen, the rest as Sailor Senshi. (Your pick which is which.) I just think it’d be funny that Cruz is forced to cosplay as a girl.
Remara:Â everyone dressed as food with Keith as a burger Myan as fish Blondie as idk pizza? and the girl as a chicken leg
Hey there everyone, I’m participating in Topwebcomic.com’s FFXIV art contest. Here’s your chance to show your support by voting daily until it ends this July 24th! You can click on the pic above or here to see to vote and see the artwork. Thank you everybody!