Magicat Girl Concept 2 – Hibi-hibi
on March 28, 2017It’s Hibi-hibi! I guess she’s Myan’s guide or sidekick, and will probably shout “Hey Listen!” a lot. Previous concept (Myan) here.
It’s Hibi-hibi! I guess she’s Myan’s guide or sidekick, and will probably shout “Hey Listen!” a lot. Previous concept (Myan) here.
Ssshhh, I’ve got a secret side project going on… involving me animating Myan and that comment system I was using in Magicat Girl. This is one of the animations you’ll see.
Dammit why did I draw this, I’m not ready to work on Magicat Girl yetttt
“Oh look, he’s back again.” You’re darn right I am. Anyway, real talk below, if you want to read that is. Or you can just read the TLDR and skip to the announcements.
TLDR: Boo-hoo, me. Got better. 500 pages or bust. Now updating Friday to Sunday.
I didn’t show it back then, but I was miserable while working on the comic.
I was never really been confident in my art and writing. You guys see the end results, but behind the scenes, I make a lot of mistakes and have a lot of difficulty drawing some panels. On some days, my drawing skills just disappear, or at least be at a lower level than usual.
And somewhere along the way, the satisfaction after a job well done was gone. Obviously, none of these are good for anyone’s sanity. Those feelings of frustration and uselessness eventually builds up, leading to unannounced hiatuses until my confidence comes back (one of the biggest reasons anyway).
But whenever I come back after every hiatus, I’m always afraid (literally heart pumping faster afraid) at reading the comments and the chat. Afraid of you, the reader’s, disappointment, especially from long time fans.
So, miserable while working, and miserable when not working. Vicious cycle right there.
“Screw this, this is no way for a man to live” I said, so I decided to take a real break this time, and take it as long as I needed until I get over those feelings, AND rekindle my love for drawing again.
Just living life: sleeping and waking up on time, eating healthier, taking up weightlifting (best idea ever and I suggest everyone do it too, squatting around 185 lbs now), and taking a walk every day. I didn’t draw much during this time, but I watched and read a lot of cartoons, anime, and manga. I also reflected on what I was doing wrong and what I can do to improve.
Now I’m back, with a definite goal of “finishing” Cat Nine at 500 pages and an ultimatum: if I miss a whole week of updates again, then I’ll permanently stop Cat Nine. Mind you, I’ll only stop at 500 pages if I ran out of steam at that point, otherwise I’ll continue. Who knows, abandoning Cat Nine might be what I needed to do all this time, and I’ll probably just start a new series if I do stop.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, whew, that’s a load off my chest (is that the right expression?)! I’m not normally open about these things. Now then… it’s time to get back to work.
Now for some announcements:
Undertale and Xenoblade Chronicles tied for this year’s Halloween, so I’ll just make half the characters dress up from Undertale, and vice versa. Now, the only thing left is to decide which costumes the characters wear… Of course, feel free to give suggestions here if you have any.
I’ll close the poll for this year’s Halloween theme on Nov. 11 10pm PST.
Seems my entry, Undertale, is the current favorite. Let me tell you, I am really tempted to close the polls right now so I can work on the banner and wallpaper for it since it’s honestly one of the best games I’ve played for a while. If you have the time, you should probably give the free demo a try!
Anyway, things might still change by Wednesday so let’s all wait until then!
It’s way past Halloween now, but don’t let that stop you from voting for 2015’s new Halloween banner! I’ll also make a wallpaper, which will be available for everyone. Votes end this November 11.
Poll closed and removed!
Ever wonder how fast your website loads? Find out for free through Pingdom’s Website speed test! This handy tool not only shows you which files or objects affect your website’s speed, it also gives recommendations that can improve your site’s load time.
You might need some technical know-how to carry out some of the recommendations suggested by the tool, but for most (especially webcomics), the images in your website have the largest effect on speed. That’s why I advise optimizing/compressing all of your images even at the expense of some quality, but trust me, most people won’t notice the difference at all – I suggest TinyPNG and TinyJPG which I use myself, or this all-in-one online tool compressor.io. compressor.io even has a lossless option, which will try to keep your image files from losing the least amount of quality possible.
Other things that can slow a site are advertisements, and extra stuff like chatboxes and Facebook/Twitter widgets. Consider removing these if they are affecting the speed too much, or if you don’t need them anymore.
Thanks to this, I’ve managed to make Cat Nine faster for everyone; now it loads in 2-6 seconds on average! How about you, how fast does your website load? Try posting your results in the comments below!
I’m curious, what’s your timezone and what time do you guys usually read webcomics? I might be able to adjust my update schedule, and the info here might be useful for me and other webcomic creators.
Thanks to everyone who has voted so far! It has been really helpful!
Poll closed and removed!