Fart Sensei – New Comic on Patreon
on May 12, 2017New bonus comic on Patreon. Okay I know this preview looks a little… lewd. W-well get your mind out of the gutter, pal.
New bonus comic on Patreon. Okay I know this preview looks a little… lewd. W-well get your mind out of the gutter, pal.
So it’s been a week now since I launched Cat Nine’s Patreon page. I was honestly pessimistic with it so I wasn’t expecting anyone at all to be pledging anything at least for a year or so, or ever for that matter. But oh boy, five people already pledged before a week was over, and all of them immediately went for the highest tier (RAWR $4). One of them even bumped up their pledge to double digits!
These guys managed to touch me in all the right places (my heart), and it feels great that a few people out there in this wide world actually cared enough about a silly little catgirl comic from the Philippines! I’ve been having an awesome week thanks to them (and I bought pizza) and it gives me hope that one day I’ll be making enough to live off Cat Nine.
To the people below, thank you! Remember these names because I’ll allow them to lord over their True Fan status over everyone and they’ll get a special place in the Patron page Hall of Fame (psst, the next one is if you become a patron in the first month, until June 3).
It’s never too late to join the party though! And hey, it’s totally fine if you don’t feel like becoming a patron! You can still show your support just by voting everyday, and turning off your ad block or adding Cat Nine to your ad block’s whitelist.
BUT if you were a patron though, you would’ve enjoyed these Rewards for the past week (and future plans for Rewards):
More Rewards and Goals
Since one of them asking about higher-rewards, I also put up some ideas for additional Rewards and Goals. I’ll make the decision next month to think things through, but I might implement the ad/banner free reward next week. Don’t really want to add more workload cause I prefer to concentrate on the comic!
Just in case you didn’t know, the nib is that thing at the end of the pen which you use to draw or write.
Oh boy, I immediately noticed the difference! Everything’s so smooooth… too smooth now actually since I’ve gotten used to the old nib (I’ll get over it). And I don’t know why, but drawing is now more fun, quicker, and accurate. Huge time saver definitely; looking back, I had to redraw a lot (draw a line, erase/undo, draw line again until I get it right, etc.) because the sharper point of the older Wacom pen nib makes my strokes a little wobbly. Now I don’t have to do that often anymore!
I kinda feel stupid that it took all this time. I mean, obviously, if your pencil’s starting to become too short to be useful it’s time to replace it, but whatever! I’ll certainly stock up on the nibs (some Amazon links below) and change them from now on whenever it becomes too dull, and you should too! I think a year or so is a good time to replace it.
Now, if I can only do something about Adobe Flash’s long saving times then everything would be peachy. I save often cause it crashes often. Hmm, perhaps getting an SSD will help but those things are kind of expensive. Of course, there’s a way to help out with that wiiiink.
Finally, here’s a quick guide to purchasing nibs and some links to Amazon if you want to shop for them. Always remember to check first if they’re compatible with your drawing tablet before buying! And I’m an Amazon associate, so if you buy any stuff through these links, I’ll also earn money without any additional cost to you, so thank you!
Hey there everyone, here’s a pretty… handy tutorial about drawing hands shared by thebluemario in the chat. ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I managed to remember to put aside the unfinished drawings, so here’s a quick tutorial about drawing using Adobe Flash. I use the Brush tool with pressure enabled, circular brush shape, and brush size turned up to the max. Enjoy!
I’ve deleted my Tapas account and all comics in it as of March 2021.
I figured out a much quicker way to “tapastify” my comics, yeyy. I’d prefer if you guys read here though, especially since Cat Nine at Tapas will be a month (or maybe even a whole Episode) behind cat-nine.net. I’ll only update there if I have the time of course.
Not working for some reason. Please ignore everything below for now. Not working for one page. Weird. Consider it fixed again.
I’ve finally managed to fix the Comments button in the navigation bar. Clicking on it will now directly take you to the comments section. And for some reason it was disabled on mobile, but now it’s enabled.
This little thing was surprisingly troublesome to fix but I’m glad I did it. Kinda needed to do it anyway, especially if those polls will become a regular thing. I think the polls’ height are too tall, but I can’t adjust them without having a premium account.
After finishing Episode 4, I think I’ll stop making each Episode have exactly 36 pages, making it a rough guideline instead.
Why’d I decide on 36 pages in the first place? Well, I based it from the average comic book length (22 pages without the ads), but since Cat Nine’s more of a comic strip, I felt that 36 pages was a decent amount to tell a complete story and it forces me to cut-out or rewrite some unnecessary parts just to keep it within 36 pages. And if you didn’t notice, 36 is a multiple of 9…
So! Expect future Episodes will be longer or shorter, and (gasp) not a multiple of 9 !
For the longest time there was a duplicate entry in Top Web Comics made by someone else for Cat Nine (and linking to the old Comic Genesis site). I’ve finally asked the admin to remove it so if you’ve favorited or have been voting regularly for that other entry, now you know that this page right here is the real deal.
If you’re using TWC, thanks to everyone for supporting Cat Nine by voting and adding this comic to your favorites! Also, thanks for the fast response Top Web Comics admin! Oh, and to whoever added that duplicate, sorry for removing it and thanks for adding it (just leave it to me next time!).
So I’ve decided to write a series of posts about making comics, my way. Let’s get started with Step 1 by talking about… ideas!