Been a while since someone commissioned me, thanks Hothead and Happy Birthday! And sorry again that I missed the deadline and being a dumb butt about it! He commissioned me for a half-shot, but upgraded it to a full-shot to make up for it.
Wanted to draw something cute and sexy so I ended up with a shortstack (and he did mention to have fun, I did!), and I do remember he liked those. Somehow mine is the only one naked (so far) out of all he commissioned so uh… I’ll likely get some accusations of being a perv again in Discord haha!
This was supposed to be for the newly implemented KitTen tier ($10) back in November, sorry for the delay Fish! So here’s Tammy getting a good start on her New Year’s resolution.
Whew, this one also gave me a work out haha. I probably won’t be able to make a nude version of this since this drawing’s more complicated than the usual stuff… and hey, sometimes the outfit just makes things better eh?
Shorty from Bust a Groove! One of my fave character and game ever, and even now some of its songs are in my playlist. Maaan, it’s like I didn’t improve at all for the last 13 years compared to the last time I drew Shorty haha.
Some of you might not care, but that game has influenced my art style a lot (after Ragnarok Online). She’s also the reason why Myan was wearing overalls + twin tails before… and why I like brunettes maybe!
Shoulda been for November’s fanart but I missed that, so here it is!
Yugo Ryan requested Rallidae since she hasn’t shown up in the current Episode, and hey, I’ve wanted to draw her in a swimsuit like with the other girls so here ya go!
Oh wow these turned out pretty well even the meme ones, and had a lot of fun talking to you guys with my new mic too. Excuse my speech since I’m not that fluent in English… aaand I’m not much of a talker haha. Don’t be surprised with that since I am Lazylonewolf after all. At least I’m getting some practice with talking with ya!
So we got:
Myan welcoming 2019. Happy New Year everyone!
Myan in a pile of laundry. They seem like a dirty pile of clothes, but eh. Myan doesn’t have to launder her clothes since she can just poof them, and I doubt Keith will just leave a pile of clean/dirty clothes lying around his small room
Just wondering out loud what their Night’s Vision would’ve looked like. Maybe I shouldn’t have turned down the ground/cast shadow that much, though I suppose difficulty in telling which spots are dark when you’re trying to sneak during the night could be considered a downside to their power. I’d include another pic that shows what the scene would’ve looked like in “real life” but it would be pretty much pitch black, at least with the lunar eclipse going on.
I also like to think that the Haliyans would prefer to live in a place where the sky and the moon is visible so on regular nights without an eclipse, even normal humans like us would have no problem walking around their village. Still, their indoor dwellings will likely be too dark even with the windows open.
And a small reminder to myself to not depict it this dark like in the original comic page since some of you found it too dark. Dunno about you guys, but I drew this with the monitor brightness which I usually draw, at 30%/Text setting. Perhaps I can see shadows and colors better than normal people since I drew the stuff, who knows. Thanks for telling me about though, it reminded me that my monitor’s Photo setting/95% brightness exists, which I’ll admit makes anything art/comic/anime look nicer, and more importantly makes it easier to shade and color stuff. Tires out my eyes rather quickly though!
Hello everyone! With new patrons appearing, me being confused about which posts to assign access to (specifically HD versions) and starting to make nude versions regularly, I feel like now’s a good time to change update my Patreon page again. I’ll be implementing these changes by January 2019. Feel free to read the changes below, and make comments here or anywhere else.
Except for HD, nude versions, and the downloadable RARchives, I’ve never really liked locking my artwork behind a paywall. So all artwork I’ll make (aside from the three previously mentioned) will only be timed exclusives. The normal quality versions of the artwork will eventually be available to everyone, though I’ll be spacing them at least 24 hours.
If something can be accessed early/can see the WIP, you can usually see their HD versions too. I didn’t want to make separate posts for HD and early access.
I’ve already changed the Goals. Not much of a change, but I’ll be making more bonus art and fan art as more people become patrons.
Moved some of the benefits around since I feel you’re getting a lot of value with it already plus you can still see nude versions of sketches.
nomAd tier removed since I feel it doesn’t really do much for me and you guys. Logged-inRAWRs will remove all ads instead and I’ve replaced it with a new $10 tier. The new tier will allow you to suggest names and designs for new characters, have more priority/weight for bonus art suggestions and Episode Polls, and finally, an exclusive fully colored bonus art suggestion just for this tier. Oh, and I suppose your name will look nicer in the mentions.
Only RAWRs and above can suggest stuff for bonus art and fan art now. And you can suggest any of them to be pinups 😏. I’ll make nude versions of them later, if applicable. I’ll also message all patrons with access to nude versions with a direct link to the artwork.
Most bonus art/fan art will be sketches, but at least 1 from both categories will be inked+colored each month
Cat Nine bonus art (Cat Nine characters only)
Monthly thank you art: Posted together with last month’s patrons and ko-fi donators.
($100) Two bonus art every month (includes thank you art)
($300) Three bonus art every month (includes thank you art)
($500) Four bonus art every month (includes thank you art)
Fan art (characters from other works)
($100) One fan art every month
($300) Two fan art every month
($500) Three fan art every month
Starter Pack ($1)
Your name on the patrons page
See the sketch of the next page’s 1st panel
[Discord] Access to patrons channel (More quiet place to chat especially if more people start chatting, and for art requests)
Announcements to what I’m currently doing
See vote incentives without needing to vote
HD + Early access of vote and thank you art
Remove all Comic Rocket banners
Reader’s Choice ($3)
All previous rewards
HD + Early access of most bonus art
WIP previews of comics and bonus art (sketch, lineart, flats)
[moved from SP] New wallpapers after every Episode
[Discord] Access to wip channel (for per-panel previews and WIP progress pics) Okay, probably not necessary
[Discord] Access to nsfw-sketch channel (for nude versions of sketched artwork)