More site updates
Sorry, I was still actually in a web development mood! How many new/changed things can you count?
I’ve been working on that new top navigation all day, I hope it works properly in most devices. The ones with dropdown menus (e.g. Gallery) are hoverable menus, so mobile users might accidentally open that up instead. I haven’t completely figured what to do about that yet, but I have an inkling.
And now, a brand new Status post-format test. I’ll try not to abuse this newfound power, but no promises! Instead of the complete garbage dump that is Twitter, you’ll only get to see one man’s trash, mine. 😉 While working on this thing, I totally didn’t panic when I crashed the whole Cat Nine site when I uploaded a file in the wrong folder, whoops. I’m just glad this thing’s working now.
As for using this Status format, I’ll try to keep it at 1 or 2 posts a day at most. I’ll likely use this for random thoughts/rants, actual status updates (like if I’m streaming), and maybe sketches. I’ll only share or use the notifications for important status updates and drawings to not annoy you all!
New Comicad Banner
Finally made this banner for my Comicad profile. You know, I’m thinking about writing a review about Comicad since it’s been a year since I’ve used it. Spoiler alert: it’s pretty good as it is but it’s not quite as big and functional as the old Project Wonderful. It’s slowly getting there though and I appreciate that the developer has listened to most of my suggestions.