Vote Comic: Tall Hibi Reactions
on November 2, 2018This is a previous vote comic, which means there’s a new one already if you vote now – Vote to show your support!
“I-It’s not like I didn’t want you to see the real me or anything!”
All of Lazylonewolf’s art posted in the blog section. You can also check out the Gallery, or my deviantArt and pixiv.
This is a previous vote comic, which means there’s a new one already if you vote now – Vote to show your support!
“I-It’s not like I didn’t want you to see the real me or anything!”
Rouge the Bat from Sonic the Hedgehog, as suggested by some of the patrons… and hey, busty bat babes are appropriate for Halloween!
And apparently, it’s Rouge not Rogue, darn.
Most of the colors here picked from her Sonic Battle sprite.
Yandere Fox Maid Myan! I don’t care for maids, but this is kinda cute.
Something quick and stupid for today’s (well, it’s already 10 over here but whatever) Inktober. I don’t think I need to tell you what this is referring to, right?
My submission for today’s Inktober – a poison plant-inspired diwata. Probably not that “poisonous”, aside from having purple hair maybe (after coloring this that is).
Well, I’m gonna leave it to lineart at maximum, and maybe only do this Inktober every week since it takes time from the more important Cat Nine pages.
It’s a-me Bowsette. As requested by some of the patrons and from the art stream last night. I don’t usually follow trends/fads/whatever, and was supposed to draw Princess Daisy as they suggested, but this whole thing suddenly started.
Oi mate, you got a loicense for Cruzspreading and drinking?
Here’s page 150 for reference.
Tammy is a woman of culture!
Abs and you shall receive! (thanks Blue for that blurb)
A little something fanservicey as thanks for all the new patrons, aaaand might as well practice drawing abs and cel-shading.
(may or may not have a nude version in a specific channel in Discord… only for $3 patrons and above though 😉)
Whew, and to think I was feeling pretty unmotivated since I had a hard time trying to draw the body.