Regarding that unofficial poll by our Discord mod BlueDavrial. Reminder that wild animals are still savage!
Myan: Aww, I lost! Tammy: Muahaha, sorry Myan! Just too many dudes lusting after my hot hot wolf bod.Myan: I would’ve won if I got the big cat vote. In fact…Myan: Yo stripyboy, do you think I’m best girl? Stripyboy: (No. I don’t even know who you are.)
A bit late but hey. And yeah, there’s a textless version if you’re that thirsty, wink wink. I didn’t originally really plan this to take place before our heroes (I gotta come up with a name for their group…) arrived at their village, but making it so seemed like a good fit.
I also don’t really have names for these three girls yet, though I’ve just been naming the layers I drew them in as “Nami”, “Hothead”, and “Blondie”.
Oh yeah, just found out about the<details> html tag. Gonna use them for the transcripts. Unlike the actual comic pages, that feature isn’t built-in for these blog posts…
[The trio of Haliyans discuss their plans for getting a date…] Redhead Haliyan: The waiting game. Works every time, eventually! Brunette Haliyan: Ah, patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. But I prefer-Brunette Haliyan: Brustkrieg!! Give them no time to think, except “yes”! Redhead Haliyan: Bodacious, as usual!Blonde Haliyan: Instead of relying on convoluted tactics, I was thinking of just asking directly this time.Brunette Haliyan: EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!! Redhead Haliyan: Is that the breast you can do?!
Originally, I was wondering what she’d look like with dark skin since a cat’s skin is the same or similar to their fur in real life. Might as well try with paler skin too!
So… if I ever start Magicat Girl again as a comic or game, Myan would have alternate forms such as this.
Power-up or alternate form? I think I’ll go for alternate form like in Ben 10 or Shantae.
Gotta have black cats when it comes to witches, so I went with panthers since they’re typically black for some reason. And each of her other forms would have other cats and colors associated with them.
A witch should definitely be her first alternate transformation since the first magical girls were  apparently inspired by Bewitched . Try watching it on Youtube too guys, it’s actually pretty good!
Gotta be fit to chase the news! As suggested by Yugo Ryan .
Like her, I’m exercising too by trying out some soft airbrushing again! Might as well since it’s another thing to add to my skill set for commissions, ehem.
Just in case anyone asks, I just like the look cel-shading better in most cases, aside from saving tons of time that is. I haven’t done much practice or research when it comes to airbrushing, but from doing this piece I can guess that:
You need more references and experience with lighting/shadows, especially with muscles and the like. I do need more practice with muscles in the first place though.
More references/experience for reflections too, if you’re feeling fancy.
For more control with shading/highlights, you’re gonna have to select/deselect/marquee more compared to cel-shading.
The third bullet point in particular adds quite a bit of time…