Halloween 2015 Banner
Halloween 2015 is almost upon us, and that means I’m gonna make a new header again just like last year. It’s not a “thing” yet, but I’ve decided that it should be, so look forward to this every year from now on – and I might even make some artwork for them and post it here. So yeah, if you’ve have any ideas/suggestions for their costumes, please leave a comment, tweet, etc.!
Ideas so far:
- Me:Â
I want something cool, and Myan “dressed-up” as another catgirl character, like Felicia or Taokaka. Maybe characters in a show, like Mystery Inc. (Scooby-Doo)?Undertale! - gudenau: Fiora, Shulk, Dunban and Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles
- oStaiko: Myan as Keith
- man in black:Â Go with a theme for all of them
- BlueMario:  Redraw the old old costumes for the banner. Like the Cruz Missile and those (here are the ones for Myan, Keith, and Tammy)
- David Nuttall:Â Myan as the Cowardly Lion, Tammy as Dorothy, Keith as the Scarecrow and the Cruz as the Tin Man. Or Justice League.
- CuteManabi: Sailor Moon cosplay. Keith as Tuxedo Kamen, the rest as Sailor Senshi. (Your pick which is which.) I just think it’d be funny that Cruz is forced to cosplay as a girl.
- Remara:Â everyone dressed as food with Keith as a burger Myan as fish Blondie as idk pizza? and the girl as a chicken leg
No just thought it would be funny
David Nuttall Lazylonewolf To be honest, I don’t want to draw her to be green…
@Remara Are you sure you weren’t just hungry while you were writing this?
I don’t why but why not everyone dressed as food with Keith as a burger Myan as fish Blondie as idk pizza? and the girl as a chicken leg.this was not cheesecake inspired
Lazylonewolf David Nuttall I was considering Miss Martian for Myan in this suggestion set. She is an other green shape-shifter.
CuteManabi David Nuttall I’d probably just make a male version of the sailor uniform for Cruz, they were used by actual sailors after all. I’d design it to be more awesome.
David Nuttall Keith could be Batman, and Myan… well the only other character I know who transforms into animals is Beast Boy, so Beast Girl maybe?
oStaiko Something like this?
David Nuttall CuteManabi If you include the outer senshi, you could do Sailor Uranus for Cruz, since she’s the most masculine of them all. (Hair color is close too.) But it’d be funnier to make him one of the inner senshi. Sailor Venus might work, right hair color but his isn’t long enough normally.
You could actually do Myan twice, human-form as a Sailor Senshi and cat-form as Luna. Or use Luna’s human form from the manga for Myan’s human-form. She’s pretty cute actually:
Tammy would probably be good as Sailor Mars. Her hair’s not the right color, but the red hair goes with Mar’s outfit. ^_^ Hibi-hibi might work as Sailor Mercury. Not sure on that one.
Keith:Â Superman
Tammy:Â Wonder Woman
Cruz:Â Aquaman (have to keep the blond going)
Myan:Â Vixen (changing animal powers)
CuteManabi Myan plays Luna! Cruz as Jupiter, because she was the tallest, and could most easily by portrayed by a man.
CuteManabi Oh good suggestion there too. I’ve been wanting to draw Myan as a Sailor… Myan.
I’ll vote for Sailor Moon cosplay. Keith as Tuxedo Kamen, the rest as Sailor Senshi. (Your pick which is which.) I just think it’d be funny that Cruz is forced to cosplay as a girl. ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ ï¼¼ / ï¼¼
David Nuttall Nice idea there!
Hmm. Myan as the Cowardly Lion, Tammy as Dorothy, Keith as the Scarecrow and the Cruz as the Tin Man.
I feel like Myan would dress up as Kieth…
Lazylonewolf gudenau Corrrct, it also lags up a storm after the 50% to 75% point. 😀 (The worst seems to be every third frame or so)
gudenau Lazylonewolf That reminds me, Xenoblade’s for the NEW 3DS right? Cause that would mean I need a New 3DS first, tsk.
Lazylonewolf gudenau 3DS, almost got the Wii version aswell.
gudenau Lazylonewolf Nice. Did you get the one on the Wii or the 3DS?
Lazylonewolf gudenau I am a small part through my second playthrough, new game plus and 100%. 😀
gudenau Dang I gotta  buy that game… A-anyway, they have some cool outfits!
How about Fiora, Shulk, Dunban and Sharla from Xenoblade Chronicles?