on February 18, 2020 HDRegarding that unofficial poll by our Discord mod BlueDavrial. Reminder that wild animals are still savage!
Myan: Aww, I lost!
Tammy: Muahaha, sorry Myan! Just too many dudes lusting after my hot hot wolf bod.Myan: I would’ve won if I got the big cat vote. In fact…Myan: Yo stripyboy, do you think I’m best girl?
Stripyboy: (No. I don’t even know who you are.)
Tammy: Muahaha, sorry Myan! Just too many dudes lusting after my hot hot wolf bod.Myan: I would’ve won if I got the big cat vote. In fact…Myan: Yo stripyboy, do you think I’m best girl?
Stripyboy: (No. I don’t even know who you are.)
Now it’s 15 to 12 (3-3-2023). It was 15 to 11 until my vote in the last 5 minutes. Tammy is a worthy waifu but Myan is the paragon of special. She’s a loving pet cat and waifu at the same time. I don’t see how Tammy can compare with that. She’s just a regular human girl with all the shortcomings therein, with an enchantment. Although she seems much more agreeable than an anime girl. A typical anime girl will assume the worst of you and call you a pervert and slap you for no reason at all or very sketchy justification. But I think maybe most of the voters didn’t want to exploit Myan’s innocent perfection. She’s perhaps too perfect, so perfect one doesn’t want to soil that perfection with one’s mundane profaneness. Myan is the type of waifu one would want to scritch the ears of in real life. Tammy is the type to try to seduce if you’re going to do anything. Which is why Myan wins, to me.
13 vs 10? WHERE the poll is?
I already linked to it in the text above.
… ok I must admit I only noticed after writing that, but what I wanted to ask was where was the poll linked from before. Because I think 23 people isn’t that many.
It was an unofficial poll posted in Discord, so it wasn’t that important as far as I know.
Yeah I was just screwing around on the discord. It felt like a good time to poll again. I’ve polled that in the past, but since Tammy just got done being a
furrywerewolf, and is now a wolfgirl, it felt like a good time to poll againFeel free to join the discord for more nonsense like that!
Heresy! Myan wins in my book!
Vote then XD