188 – Praise the moon!
Took forever to draw the tattoos since I haven’t drawn them before, and moon goddesses gotta have white hair!
- MCWildcat
- Hothead
- Steffen
- Knut Breitschuh
- BirdmanGA
- Sunblaze
- Techokami
- Luke
- Aliumas147
- feralcat52
- Jeremy
[After leaving the Feast...]
Tammy: I hope we're on the way to whoever can help us...
Isog: We're headed for the Sacred Arena!
[decided to come]
Blonde Villager: Where the moon is most visible...
Red-head Villager: ...here we train and fight!
Brunette Villager: Through battle, we worship Her!
Isog: Our Goddess...
Isog: Haliya!