257 – Double KO
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Cruz: I-it worked?! She's stunned!!
Tammy: Good job Myan! Fly back!
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Cruz: I-it worked?! She's stunned!!
Tammy: Good job Myan! Fly back!
She’s been looking forward to roaring without getting in trouble. Rawring to go even.
Myan: Well, whatever!
Some helpful music. It’s a hoot.
Keith: Hurry Myan, I don't know how long we can distract her!
Tammy: Ahhh! We're dead we're dead we're dead!
Cruz: I'm running out of dance moves...
Myan: ...
Do snakes even have ears...?
I wonder what their plan is? 🤔
Redhead Haliyan: Hah.. hah... I can't believe we've lasted this long against the Bakunawa!
Blonde Haliyan: I just hope they were able to get far away. For Haliya, hyah!
Tammy: Hey ya big dumb snake-
You know what, if I have some thoughts about the comic page I’ll try to write about it here from now on. I’ll leave my “minimalist witty quips” in the alt-text/meta description, and I do like writing out my thoughts about it if I have any. Thinking of those quips and the titles for every page is quite hard if you didn’t know!
So… writing (relatively) average people is definitely more challenging than action/shonen protagonists. They can’t fight, get scared, and there’s only so much they can do with what they have, and they can’t just Leeroy Jenkins in there like an idiot and well, die. Keith has done something like that sure, but IMO that’s a bit forgivable since that’s done for comedy. Something to take note, fellow writers!
Sorry for the rant, I’m just worried that all the talking is making it look more like Tell, Don’t Show instead of the other way around. That, and I keep forgetting to forgive myself since I’m actually still just a beginner writer and this whole Episode was my first attempt at anything semi-serious happening to the protagonists.
Tammy: Pretty loud I'd say, up close. Some teeny tiny issues though.
Tammy: I am NOT getting near that thing! No way! NUH UH!!
Tammy: And if I managed to get close and howling didn't work, she's going to be pissed off at the noisy thing next to her... me!
(just a prank bro~)
Keith: I guess it's a little counterproductive to expose ourselves to danger to... avoid danger.
Cruz: She's right, it's too risky.
Myan: Meow?
Tammy: That could work! But are you sure Myan?
Fireworks : 125-175 dB
Wolf howl: 90-115 dB
Not quite close since dB is logarithmic, but…
[Tammy still relays what Myan said...]
Keith: Well, too late to avoid her nor can we fight her. And running is our last resort.
Myan: mew
Cruz: Frighten her off then? But what even scares-
Cruz: -that..?
Tammy: AHH! If only we had fireworks or something just as loud!
Tammy: Loud? Loud! What else is loud?!
Tammy: W-what?
Keith: Say...
Keith: ...how loud do you think a wolf's howl is?
Um, you guys don’t have to read all of that unless you want to.
Tammy: Hmm, a decoy maybe?
Cruz: Eh?
Tammy: I'm kidding (heh)
Tammy: But you turned into a kid because you volunteered to be Bakunawa bait right?
Cruz: D-did I..?
(just wanted to be a kid again)
Keith: Got any ideas Myan?
Myan: Meow. (I'm not too smart but thanks for asking, dad! Lemme think... I haven't fought a snake before, let alone a giant one, but I know this: when you come face-to-face with something new, ya gotta be smart and stay clear. Fighting should be the last thing on your mind, 'cause even small scratches can mean the end for you! I've been in a lot of scraps with bigger critters than me, and if I can't run, what usually works is making them think I'm too much trouble to bother with. That means making myself look tougher or louder than I am so they think twice before messing with me. And if all else fails, well... run like the wind! I've escaped plenty of uppity humans trying to catch me. It's all about staying one step ahead and not letting them get the upper paw.)
Tammy: What the- I'm not translating all that!
Big 250! 👏
I don’t feel big since it took this long, but I’ll take it.
Bakunawa: HISS!!
Haliyans: Hya! Take that! RAWR!!
Cruz: Woah!
Keith: That's two people I've seen turn into wereanimals tonight.
Myan: Meow! (It's sooo weird~!)
Cruz: The ladies seem to be handling themselves alright!
Cruz: So what do we do now? Keep running?
Tammy: I'd rather stay FAR away from that monster, but...
Keith: Agreed. Feels wrong to leave without trying to help...
Keith: ...and we can run, but we're helpless without them in this strange place.
Tammy: R-right.
Cruz: Let's leave when we can't think of something then.
Sorry, but I have like a need to draw transformation sequences. They’re fun.
“Fire” Tiger VS Water Dragon! And finally using that experience from all that Hothead art I drew. Also maybe check out their Twitter.
I figured this was a good way to show one of the “common” but still useful mask powers, though animal masks can range from full-on transformations like this to just buffs depending on the animal (e.g. fast like a cheetah). And unlike with Tammy, she actually did transform in front of them like that which I did because “hoho magic wolfgirl transform”. I went with a more sentai-like than magical girl approach here this time.
Tiger-masked Haliyan: TIME TO UNLEASH THE BEAST!
Tbh I don’t really know what to say to someone who’ll stay behind to give their lives to delay whatever. “Thank you”? “I’ll never forget you”? “I owe you my life?” Well, I do know “kthx bye” is a huge no-no at least.
Red hair Haliyan: This is our job.
Tiger Haliyan: We'll handle this.
Blonde Halyian: Go.
Keith: Um, t-thank you!
Tammy: Isn't there anything we can do?
Myan: mew...
Cruz: It doesn't feel right but what can we even do?