250 – Fight or Flight?
Big 250! 👏
I don’t feel big since it took this long, but I’ll take it.
Bakunawa: HISS!!
Haliyans: Hya! Take that! RAWR!!
Cruz: Woah!
Keith: That's two people I've seen turn into wereanimals tonight.
Myan: Meow! (It's sooo weird~!)
Cruz: The ladies seem to be handling themselves alright!
Cruz: So what do we do now? Keep running?
Tammy: I'd rather stay FAR away from that monster, but...
Keith: Agreed. Feels wrong to leave without trying to help...
Keith: ...and we can run, but we're helpless without them in this strange place.
Tammy: R-right.
Cruz: Let's leave when we can't think of something then.
So, not the Rincewind approach to running? (Don’t worry about “to”, “to” will take care of itself, be more concerned about “from.”)