248 – Slither away!
Tbh I don’t really know what to say to someone who’ll stay behind to give their lives to delay whatever. “Thank you”? “I’ll never forget you”? “I owe you my life?” Well, I do know “kthx bye” is a huge no-no at least.
Red hair Haliyan: This is our job.
Tiger Haliyan: We'll handle this.
Blonde Halyian: Go.
Keith: Um, t-thank you!
Tammy: Isn't there anything we can do?
Myan: mew...
Cruz: It doesn't feel right but what can we even do?
I’ve got it. I figured out the secret cure for werewolfitis, how to return to human form after wolfing out. Here goes. All you have to do is look at the full moon while wearing sunglasses. That’s also how you can tell if someone’s a werewolf, if they’re walking around wearing sunglasses at night during a full moon. Actually that would be pretty funny if that worked. I feel like that should be canonically true in some work of fiction involving werewolves. And maybe werewolves can be made temporarily immune to silver bullets, by eating a huge quantity of eggs. Since eggs with their sulfur compounds are known for tarnishing silver you see.
Counterpoint: they’re sunglasses 
And the issue isn’t the “radiation” but something more magical/spiritual
Personally, I think that in situation like this, it’s better to be little rude and not say anything than making their sacrifice pointless.
If you can waste breath for talking, it means you can run faster.
Good point yeah. Better to run and not waste a precious millisecond.
Big showdown! Love this!
Just what every Haliyan prays for 🙏
(next to a husbando, but that’s not Haliya’s jurisdiction)
Thank you LazyLoneWolf !
And thank you for reading even if it’s at a glacial pace.
Ladies vs snake who will win find out next time
I sure would like to find out myself
*rolls d20*