236 – Detour
Better to play it safe, but…
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Soblin
- Gojira Tanaka NEW! Thank you!
Blonde Haliyan: It's unwise to tread into an unknown entity's domain. We should turn back and find a detour.
Keith: Good idea. This place is creeping my cat out. Not a good sign. Don't worry lil buddy, we're leaving. ow
Brunette Haliyan: It seems the way we came from is blocked by this cliff that came out of nowhere...
Redhea Haliyan: Uh oh.
Check to make sure you are awake.
This is totally dreaming BS right here.
A true man of culture I see. I remember you, as the only one else there to comment on trandomwatch the last 2 times out of 3 it was online before it disappeared probably for the final time. Isn’t that a strange coincidence? I’m not a large consumer of webcomics. It’s literally those 2. And they’re both so obscure we each were about the only ones that saw them.
Those wandering terrain features can be awfully inconvenient.
It just didn’t load fast enough. 
Finally caught up huh? And you ended it with a cliffhanger. *sigh* Still a great read nevertheless.Totally worth it for binge reading.
Well bye for now. 👋
Thanks for reading then! Eh, all good stories have some form of cliffhanger just to keep you reading, or in this case, binge read. 
i have no idea on what to comment, s o
keep tammy as a wolf
keep that magic belt thing with cruz
Hehe, we’ll see we’ll see.