233 – It’s That Way(woods)
It’s a feeling of knowing where point A and B is, but not the place in-between. I hope that made sense!
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Soblin
Isog: Bye!
Tammy: See ya around!
Tammy: So! Anyone actually know the way back?
Cruz: Well...
Cruz; ...I seem to recall passing through some... trees?
Keith: I'm 92% sure darkness was involved. Somehow.
Tammy: Helpful.
Red-haired Haliyan: You got here through The Waywoods right?
Tigermask Haliyan: You'll forever know the gateways you've passed through.
Blonde Haliyan: We're almost at the Waywoods gateway. You'll know what we meant as soon as we enter.
Cruz: It's!
Tammy: that!
Myan: meow!
Keith: -way...
this ois very cool, but what is your uplode times? (how long untill the next epasode)
Thanks for reading! I’m trying to return to a weekly schedule since I’ve been… not that productive as of late. 
i cant wait for the next ep to come out
Behold, the power of suddenly knowing where to go!
Poor Keith’s probably got a scalp full of claws in that last panel based on Myan’s history of being excited (see: a good chunk of Episode 1 
Indeed, you’d think he’d start clipping her claws at this point.
(first use of the custom emojis folks!)
Looking back,I can’t help but imagine how much your art has progressed since the first episode. Well,it’s just me binge-reading from the past two days so don’t mind me.
It’d be embarassing if I didn’t improve after all this time.