232 – I Mask Ask You
Seriously, who doesn’t want a night vision mask?
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Soblin
Haliyan Guard: Oh? Our guests are leaving so soon?
Blonde Haliyan: Yep. We'll guard them while they investigate something.
Isog: most of you look different!
Haliyan Guard: Before you leave, Visitors, please return the masks. Even if these masks only have Night's Vision, we can't carelessly have magic items out in mundane society.
Cruz: Can I at least keep mine?
Keith: We're responsible... enough.
Haliyan Guard: Oh what the heck! If you're friends with my Goddess, then you're my friends too!
Isog: Yes, take it as a sign of our friendship!
Oh no, i didnt realize i cant upvote pages anymore! I didnt know that was a Disqus thing, i thouight that was wordpress thing!
I haven’t read the comic in 6 years can someone give me a concise recap on the plot thus far? Last thing i remember was a cat eating a poached egg.
Welcome back! This latest Episode is a little more plot-heavy than usual as an experiment and practice. But here, I’ll try to give a summary for each:
Cool I just started reading this about an hour ago from the start it is THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ ONLINE
It’s far from the best, but thanks for reading my stuff!
oh would you look at that!
I’m all caught up!
Thanks for reading then!
Friend of a friend is good enough, especially when that friend is your Goddess.
Totally, can’t get any higher than that!
Straight up
I take that back, more than friends is higher than that. 😏