231 – Travel Montage
Me before drawing this: “A lil map’s a nice idea. No idea how to draw maps yet, but it doesn’t seem too hard to learn.”
Me after drawing this: cries in 32 hours of learning more about perspective and drawing a bajillion lines and boxes as guidelines just to draw ellipses and cylinders
It doesn’t seem much but this page killed me so… please appreciate the map. I wanted to draw the tables they were eating in earlier (they’re placed somewhere in that grassy area), but I was getting too fed up at this point so please forgive for that too.
While drawing this, I’ve settled on the Haliyan population is around 259 since it’s a multiple of 7, then plus 1 for Haliya herself for a total of 260.
- Red Marine
- Indi Skye
- Knut Breitschuh
- Hothead
- Steffen
- tagno25
- Techokami
- DragonOfLord
- xtrickshotprox
- Mew
- Jimmi Kristensen
- Soblin
[Hinabulanon - Waywoods Gateway]
Blonde Haliyan: Oi there!
I though montage is something else but I like the map.
I don’t know what else to call that thing when Indiana Jones is traveling across the map by plane.
Budget saving.
I do appreciate this map.