210 – Beauty is a Beast
Pet love counts, fight me! Maybe Tammy wants to be a pet?
Sorry for the short “hiatus” since I wanted to put a dent on the bonus/fan art, I still have 13 to do including this December. No worries, I’m back to a (more or less) weekly schedule again, though I’ll start posting the comics on Tuesdays instead of Saturdays instead.
- Hothead
- Steffen
- Knut Breitschuh
- Sunblaze
- tagno25
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- Cmoparw
- Hilda Leyes
- Aliumas147
Keith: If anything, it might work with Tammy's curse.
Tammy: W-what are you saying Keith...?
Keith: Do I have to spell it out for you?
I just started reading your comic now, and I noticed in second panel… your choice to give Tammy the blue dress and Keith the yellow suit is very VERY clever nod to Beauty and the Beast!!! I love it!
Yep, that was intentional. Thanks for reading and catching that!
Oh damn. I didn’t notice that. I was mostly focused on how astonishingly less cute she is in the 2nd frame than in the first. I guess it’s mostly because of the angles she’s seen from. Not a flattering angle, that 2nd frame. She looks attractive as a wolf-girl most of the time, until you see her from the side like that and then it’s uncanny valley city.
I’m undecided if I should keep the furriness “anime cute” with a shorter snouts, or go for something slightly realistic.
The problem with anime cute is that it loses some of the uniqueness of animals through the length of the snout…
Don’t knock it til you try it Tammy.
Of course it might also be the implied rejection from Keith…
He just believes pet/companion love also counts.
They really don’t have time to experiment if it’ll actually work though.
This seems too easy a solution
All dogs’ love is true love!
Also, who wants to explain to Myan that her love isn’t true love too…
sigh Another neutron star MC.
[Panel 3]
Tammy: derp face
[angery derping]