203 – Hibi Helps Out!
♫ Hide yo kids from the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf ♪
Or maybe there’s no need, cause an angry Haliyan mom is more than enough.
EDIT: Thanks for your input guys! Poll’s closed, and I’ve applied the changes!
Also I’d appreciate it if you guys can help out with the poll below! I was thinking of adding in the “told to Keith” text again just to remind you guys that Keith cannot see or hear Haliya, so everyone near him have been repeating what she’s been saying to him. Not all of you will remember that face though, so I think it’s good to put remind people of that fact every now and then.
Our Discord mod and my patron BlueDavrial propose overlapping speech balloons, with the text/bubble colored according to the speaker (pink for Hibi for example).
I like the text reminder since it’s just a simple reminder, it’s less work, I’ve seen it used in manga a lot, and space in the comic is usually limited. Meanwhile, the overlapping speech balloons make the panel more visually interesting and breaks the immersion less, albeit making it slightly cramped. I’ve really only seen overlapping balloons used when they’re interrupting someone though. What do you guys think? I’ll maybe change the first panel depending on the result of the poll.
Poll closed and removed!
- MCWildcat
- Hothead
- Steffen
- Knut Breitschuh
- Sunblaze
- Techokami
- feralcat52
- Cmoparw
- Hilda Leyes
- tagno25
- Aliumas147
Haliya: You see, this whole mess started because of my little brother Bulan. He was soo adorable, everyone loved him! Bakunawa included.
Keith: Jealousy can literally turn you into a monster huh.
Tammy: If the Haliyans have sons, maybe they can help? They might need to remove their masks though.
Hibi-Hibi: Um, let's not.
Tammy: You're right, let's not expose the kiddies to danger.
Hibi-Hibi: Y-yeah, danger... (for us!)
Cruz: Not to brag, my Ma said I was a handsome boy, see?
Myan: All parents say that!
Haliya: But your mother's right!
Cruz: Yeah, too bad I can't go back to being a kid!
Hibi-Hibi: Well now, this is where I come in!
Regarding the poll:
There could be a third option. Netherdan suggested that people don’t usually repeat things word-for-word. (or “word-by-word”)
That’s a good point. Also, the overlapping text bubbles, by themselves, don’t explain what’s going on.
You could add a panel here or there where someone talks to Keith while Haliya is talking. You can even make jokes, like:
Haliya tries to flirt, but Keith thinks it’s Tammy flirting instead.
Haliya gives a wall of text, leaving Tammy confused.
Haliya gives a wall of text, and Tammy oversimplifies.
Haliya uses a word that Tammy doesn’t recognize, so Tammy misinterprets, leading to shenanigans.
By the way I don’t remember: Since Keith can’t see Haliya, is he unable to shake her hand, or make any physical contact with her? For example, if he was to swish his hand sideways, would his hand pass through her or would it bump into the side of her abdomen?
Yeah I’ve thought of those myself! Great minds think alike I guess. Not too great for Keith though haha. Hopefully I can make use of the ideas, but I just want to move things along since cause this Episode’s super long at this point.
He can’t see her (and the moon, and forgetting the existence of the moon), that’s it. So yeah, he’ll definitely hit something of Haliya if he tries to wave his arms in front of him while she’s there.
There are a couple somethings that he could bump. Whether Haliya would appreciate having her somethings bumped… That’s a story better left untold, methinks.
Also a bug in discus for everyone to know dont use simplified view as it wont show the comic stip and if you accidentally clicked it and it doesn’t show anymore reload the page
I wanted to post this last chap but new chap releases \( ^‿^ )/
The ways keith could be “cured”
1st: Bakunawa arrives and sees keith through mask, notices he can’t see her, removes curse (and well ara ara time)
2nd way: Tammy uses her wolf powers to fight bakunawa along with moon goddess (this ending is the battle of the girlfriends)
3rd way: Tammy tries to use wolf powers but bakunawa removes her wolf powers……and she uses firework launcher(don’t try this anywhere)
4th way (new info given by this chapter): hibi turns cruz to small boi days and effectively creates new target (more cuter) for bakunawa and it attracts cruz…….thanks a lot hibi
alternate of 4th way bakunawa doesn’t care bout polyga…. I mean the new targets and takes both keith and cruz
If you had any of these ideas as the big battle let me know \( ^‿^ )/👍
Accidently posted this twice so don’t mind the deleted comment (if you can see them)
Yeah just leave it alone next time and don’t make a comment about it since I would’ve deleted it myself. If it’s fine with you, I’ll delete this comment too?
Sure why not (maybe del this too)
Naturally, I can’t say anything if it’s gonna spoil the story 😉
I have like 3 ways Keith could be cured (wanted to post this before but new chap released \( ^‿^ )/ )
1st way: Baknuwa sees keith through mask, learns he can’t see her lifts curse and well ara ara time
2nd: Tammy uses wolf powers along with moon goddess to fight baknuwa(this ending battle of the girlfriends)
3rd: Tammy tries to attack but bakunawa removes her wolf powers and she becomes slightly useless *attacks with fireworks launcher (don’t try this anywhere)
4th way (new info): hibi “helps out” by transforming cruz into lil handsome boi effectively changing the target from keith to cruz and well……. we all know what will happen
Just wanted to say this. If you had any of these ideas before for this arc let me know
On the poll, I think the overlapping text bubbles would imply that it’s being repeated word-by-word but that’s usually not how people relay messages. I vote for the reminders
Thanks for the input!
Yeah, I suppose they won’t be repeating her words exactly, but shortened and/or with their own words so that Keith would get the gist of what Haliya was saying. At least, that’s what I think so, especially if Haliya has a long bit of dialogue.
It might actually be interesting to sometime show that they indeed don’t repeat everything. THEN having the bubbles partially overlap might be good way how to show that. But otherwise I think it’s just distracting.
Of course, but if it doesn’t contribute that much to the story or humor, then it should be cut or minimized because again, space is limited.
So in other words, slight changes in dialogue from not 100% repeating what someone else says have got to be cut.