183 – Face Reveal
No one’s prepared for bishounen Keith and onee-sama Myan!
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Keith: What was that? ...oh damn, it's too dark without a mask. I'll just eat in the dark then.
Blonde villager: You're fi- {ehem} that's fine.
Blonde villager: OH! MY!!! GODDESS!!!
Tiger mask villager: A man just unmasked right in front of me!
Red-head villager: ...am I getting lucky tonight?!!
Myan: now it's time to eat~
Villagers: !!
so… do people not have nipples in this world?
Wait, what? Did we just have a major art shift, mid-arc?
And, TH-TH-THAT’S Myan!? Meow indeed!
Why did Myan’s clothes change in the last panel? Where did Keith’s clothes go in the first panel, for that matter?
Hey um, I can’t tell if you’re just young or haven’t read/watched that many manga/anime, but I think most people would have filled in the blanks here. Even I’ll mind a bit if I have to explain everytime, er no offense.
And to answer your question, it’s from the cultists’ point of view. Taking off masks are erotic for them remember?
Oh so it’s a trope of a medium I don’t follow. Got it, thanks.
On another note, I have a sense of foreboding that our protagonists are headed for a misunderstanding. And misunderstandings seem to be the prime cause of conflict amongst y’all.
But what do I know.
Look what you have done Keith! Myan is copying your bad habits! What kind of father are you?!
Crap, I cannot be angry at someone that bishy.
Oh, he’ll become a real father alright ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Anger will only up his bishyness you know!
mYaN gAy cOnFiRmEd!?
No, only the girls looking at Myan :p
If you want to be picky, lesbian
I know “gay” is male specific, but in the context of making a joke, I don’t care
Of course it’s way more messed up than that, since evidently their fetish transcends gender as they are hot for anyone they see perform the act of removing a mask. That’s what they find alluring. I don’t even think you can apply a label to that of hetero homo or bi, it’s something so delightfully absurd but it provides character to their culture.
Well, with a certain Virus of Unknown Origin and nonsensical mask-wearing, there may be a real chance that a “face fetish” might happen.