If you’ve been wondering what the symbols are from, they’re from Baybayin, an old Filipino script. Apparently, they’re originally read/written from bottom-top though when the Spanish came here they changed it to left-right (or rotated), which wasn’t a bad idea actually. Anyway, I just like it cause it looks cool. Play around with Baybayin yourself using this translator.

Not that I want to focus on religion or politics into the comic, but the Philippines is majority Roman Catholic, so it’s no surprise some of the characters will be Catholic/Christian.

Haliya worshippers were possibly real. Dunno their actual name, if any, and excuse me if I took some creative liberties with them.

Sorry it’s been taking so long guys, I’ve been finding it difficult to write the dialogue/narration for the 2nd set of panels for this page. Just can’t seem to articulate it properly and I’ve realized I can’t really improvise the story every page, at least for these story-heavy Episodes. So I’ve been brushing up on my writing and English skills (English is my 2nd language), and doing as much research as I can regarding the manga industry. That last part seems unrelated, but I was thinking that I might pick up on some of the useful habits and techniques of mangakas (particularly with efficiency), and I’m interested on how the heck some of the famous mangas make around 19 pages per chapter/week (like One Piece). In short, they have insane schedules and their lives basically revolve around their manga so… I’ve given up on playing video game (again) so I’ve also been a bit cranky the past week or so haha.

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Cruz: So Isog is it? Mind telling us more about yourselves and your uh... indie religion? You have an interesting culture here!

Isog: Not at all, and it's fine to call us a cult! Now, where do I start...?

Isog: We are the Haliyans, named after our Goddess Haliya.
Cruz: Oh, like Christians.
Isog: She is the goddess of masks, the moon, and battle, so naturally we're all about those!
Cruz: Oh, not like Christians.

Isog: Yes, except our Goddess is real. Like, these other "religions" should be the cults am I right?
Cruz: Oof, quite the bold claim! Okay so... what about your masks?

Isog: Before facing the Bakunawa when it was rampaging long ago, Haliya donned her enchanted mask and vowed to never remove it until one of them is slain. Haliya won in the end, but only managed to seal her away that time.

Isog: We wear masks to show our resolve like our goddess, but as time went on, now we also wear them for other reasons like art, fun, or work. More importantly, Haliya also taught us the Mask Arts, the secrets to making enchanted masks. The one I'm wearing for instance enhance my senses. Helps with guard duty you know? Plus it's cute.

Isog: In fact, the masks you're all wearing have Night's Vision, and I think you can already guess what it does. Us Haliyans are already blessed with it so we don't require a mask, but you'll need them since the only lighting we have in the village is moonlight. Unfortunately it doesn't let you see colors that well.
Keith: Hmm, apparently the Bakunawa cursed me so I can't perceive the moon at all, therefore I can't see moonlight. Thanks for letting us borrow these.
Tammy: It might be dark for us "normal" people anyway because of the eclipse.

Isog: I-is that what the Bakunawa cursed you with?! What a truly horrifying curse!